






发布者: sunnyHU | 发布时间: 2013-8-23 17:01| 查看数: 630| 评论数: 0|

The eurozone emerged from an 18-month recession in the second quarter on the back of rebounding economies in Germany and France, prompting Brussels to argue that a combination of austerity and structural reform was starting to bear fruit.


The 17-nation euro area expanded by 0.3 per cent from April to June, ending the longest contraction since its creation in 1999. Germany grew by 0.7 per cent, led by robust manufacturing output and consumer spending, while France beat expectations by ending its double-dip recession with growth of 0.5 per cent.


“The data?.?.?.?supports, in my view, the fundamentals of our crisis response: a policy mix where building a stability culture and pursuing structural reforms supportive of growth and jobs go hand in hand,” said Olli Rehn, European commissioner for economic affairs.

欧盟委员会(EC)经济事务专员奥利·瑞恩(Olli Rehn)表示:“在我看来,以上经济数据表明我们应对经济危机的基本政策是卓有成效的:即打造稳定的整体基调,与推行有助于经济增长和就业增加的结构性改革双管齐下。”

Mr Rehn added that the performance of eurozone economies showed that the recovery was delicate but sustainable.


However, analysts pointed to one-off factors that boosted the bloc’s performance, such as a strong uptick in German construction after a cold winter.


The data also prompted a warning from The Federation of German Industry, the country’s powerful manufacturing lobby, over the sustainability of exports. It reduced its forecast for German growth in 2013 from 0.8 per cent to 0.5 per cent.

以上数据还促使德国极具影响力的制造业游说组织德国工业联合会(Federation of German Industry)就出口形势的可持续性发出警告。该组织将对2013年德国经济增速的预期从0.8%下调至0.5%。

The divergence in the health of different eurozone countries was underscored by more sobering figures from the Netherlands, where GDP fell 0.2 per cent, its fourth straight quarter of contraction.


Meanwhile, in Portugal, where tensions over austerity have been mounting, economic output expanded 1.1 per cent quarter-on-quarter compared with economists’ expectations for 0.1 per cent growth. This month, data showed both Italy and Spain were slowly easing out their recessions.


Markets were sceptical about the recovery, with the euro barely changed, trading at $1.3262 in London and falling slightly to $1.3244 against the dollar. The FTSE Eurofirst 300 edged 0.3 per cent higher, while France’s benchmark CAC 40 index fared a little better, rising 0.5 per cent. In Germany, the Dax gained 0.2 per cent.

市场对于欧元区的经济复苏仍持怀疑态度,欧元汇率几乎没有变化,伦敦市场上的欧元兑美元汇率为1.3262美元,随后略微下跌至1.3244美元。富时Eurofirst 300指数(FTSE Eurofirst 300)小幅走高0.3%,法国的CAC 40指数表现略好,上涨0.5%。德国Dax指数上行0.2%。


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