






发布者: sunnyHU | 发布时间: 2013-8-24 22:23| 查看数: 830| 评论数: 1|






  除以上三甲之外,排在前十位的网站还包括:脸谱(1.423亿)、美国在线(1.174亿)、亚马逊(1.1亿)、Glam Media(9006万)、维基媒体(8343万)、哥伦比亚互动传媒(8153万)以及Turner传媒(7724万)。

  Yahoo becomes the most visited website for the first time since May 2011 - beating rival Google

  The tech company received 196.6 million unique visitors to its search website in July, compared to 192.3 million for Google

  This is the first time Yahoo has taken the top spot for U.S. web traffic since May 2011

  Yahoo acquired Tumblr earlier this year for $1 billion but the traffic haul does not include people who visited Tumblr, according to ComScore

  Yahoo has beaten Google to be named the most visited website in the United States, according to the latest report from ComScore.

  The once-fledgling tech company received 196.6 million unique visitors to its search website in July, compared to 192.3 million for Google, the monthly statistics show.

  This is the first time Yahoo has taken the top spot for U.S. web traffic since May 2011.

  Yahoo: Yahoo's return to the top is another victory for CEO Marissa Mayer, pictured, who recently marked her first year as the company's boss. Shares of Yahoo have nearly doubled in value since she took the reigns

  Yahoo has been in the top two or three spots repeatedly, however the company has found securing the top spot tricky for the past two years.

  Yahoo acquired Tumblr earlier this year for $1 billion but the traffic haul does not include people who visited Tumblr, according to ComScore.

  'Tumblr is not currently included in the Yahoo! Sites roll-up.

  'Seems there are other factors at play, and given how close Yahoo Sites and Google have been in recent months it can likely just be normal seasonal/month-to-month fluctuations,' ComScore told Marketingland.

  Meanwhile, Google's traffic includes YouTube as well as its search page.

  Yahoo's return to the top is another victory for CEO Marissa Mayer, who recently marked her first year as the company's boss. Shares of Yahoo have nearly doubled in value since she took the reigns.

  Microsoft properties followed Google and Facebook and AOL rounded out the top five most visited websites in July.

  Tumblr is listed separately and came in in 28th position with 38.3 million unique visitors last month and Twitter came 30th with 36.4 million.

  But the numbers don't include mobile traffic and, despite recent improvements, Yahoo is widely considered to be behind for smartphones, which may dent its lead.

  Yahoo also at the top of ComScore's Ad Focus rankings for July on the basis of internet audience reach.


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