






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2013-8-27 10:00| 查看数: 684| 评论数: 0|

The world’s top policy makers must be more aggressive in handling the unfolding emerging markets crisis, the finance minister of Africa’s biggest economy has warned, calling for greater action on global capital flows and currency volatility.


Pravin Gordhan, South Africa’s finance minister, told the Financial Times there was an “inability to find coherent and cohesive responses across the globe to ensure that we reduce the volatility in currencies in particular, but also in sentiment”.

南非财长普拉温•戈登(Pravin Gordhan)向英国《金融时报》表示,“现在缺乏的是在全球范围内建立连贯和一致的应对措施的能力,为的是降低汇率波动,但也包括人们的情绪波动。”

Countries such as India and Indonesia were badly hit last week by weakening currencies and falling markets, while South Africa’s rand has plummeted against the dollar this year, making it one of the worst-performing currencies.


Mr Gordhan’s comments illustrate renewed anxiety about the financial system as the effects of plans for a potential slowdown in the US Federal Reserve’s $85bn a month asset purchases spill over into emerging market turmoil. “There’s no doubt the multilateral institutions that participate in, and often work for, and with, the G20 need to desperately try to come up with new answers and do some heterodox thinking to find a new framework which will enable us to embrace the current environment, create less volatility,” he said.


His remarks were echoed by other developing country policy makers at the Kansas City Fed’s symposium in Jackson Hole, Wyoming. “The volatility of [capital] flows has been very pernicious and to some extent unconventional monetary policies have affected such volatility,” said Agustín Carstens, Mexico central bank governor.

他的观点引起了参加美国堪萨斯城联储在杰克逊霍尔举办的年度经济研讨会的其他发展中国家政策制定者的共鸣。墨西哥央行行长奥古斯丁•卡斯滕斯(Agustín Carstens)说:“(资本)流动的波动性是非常有害的,在某种程度上,非传统货币政策对这种波动性产生了影响。”

Rich countries’ low interest rates had created opportunities for “massive carry trade strategies” that led to “large short-term speculative capital in­flows”, said Mr Carstens. He urged advanced countries to make a more predictable exit from easy policy, co-ordinate moves and beware spillovers.



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