






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2013-8-27 12:00| 查看数: 947| 评论数: 0|

Weight-loss companies are becoming savvier about getting men to go on a diet.


Men and women diet and lose weight differently, research has shown. Men often go for diets with a simple message -- eat this, avoid that -- and don't care about the ins and outs of nutrition science as much as women do, weight-loss experts say. While women might like the idea of dieting, men instead prefer talking about getting in shape. Biology also plays a role: Men tend to lose weight more quickly and might find it easier than women to stick to a diet, says Jim White, a men's nutrition specialist with the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, a professional association.

有研究表明,男性与女性的节食与减肥方式各有不同。减肥专家称,男性在节食时往往只有一个简单想法──吃这个,不要吃那个,他们并不像女性那么关心营养学的细枝末节。女性可能更喜欢节食这一说法,而男性则喜欢说塑形。行业协会营养和饮食学会(Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics)的男性营养师吉姆•怀特(Jim White)指出,生物学特质也是一个影响因素──男性往往能更快减轻体重,或许还会比女性更容易坚持节食。

One program that has caught on with some men recently is 'The Fast Diet,' a best-selling book that tells people to eat normally for five days each week, then sharply restrict intake to 500 calories a day for the other two days. In Britain, where the book launched, some people refer to this so-called 5:2 weight-loss plan as 'the bloke's diet.'

最近一个受到部分男性追捧的减肥计划来自《快速节食减肥》(The Fast Diet)一书,这本畅销书告诉大家,可以每周五天正常饮食,然后在另外两天将每天摄入的热量大幅减少至500卡路里。在这本书的发行地英国,有些人把这种五天正常饮食两天节食的减肥计划称作“男人节食法”。

'I suspect that while few men would ever admit to being on a diet, they are happy to say that they fast two days a week, as that sounds altogether more spiritual and more manly,' says author Michael Mosley, a physician and medical journalist.

该书的作者,同时也是医生和医学记者的迈克尔•莫斯利(Michael Mosley)说:“我猜想虽然很少有男性会承认自己在节食,但他们会乐意告诉别人他们每周节食两天,因为这整个听上去更有精神境界,也更有男子气概。”

Men 'like being able to eat without thinking about it,' says Colette Heimowitz, vice president of nutrition and education at Atkins Nutritionals Inc. So a hard-and-fast rule like 'eat for five days, fast for two' is easy for men to follow and has wide appeal, she says.

营养及营养教育公司Atkins Nutritionals的副总裁科莉特•海默维茨(Colette Heimowitz)说,男性“喜欢能不加考虑地去吃东西”,所以“五天正常饮食、两天节食”这种硬性规定对男性来说容易遵守,具有广泛的吸引力。

Ms. Heimowitz says the Atkins diet, which aims to limit intake of carbohydrates, has a similar appeal for men, who make up 40% of the company's customers. 'With Atkins, we tell them that they don't need to count calories, and it's easy to eat out,' she says.


Nutrisystem, which delivers packaged meals to customers at home, offers separate gender-based menus. Meal plans for men feature more calories and high-protein food like hamburgers and pizza, whereas offerings to women include grilled chicken dishes and fudge graham bars. Men 'don't want to go to a meeting, don't want to count calories or have counseling pushed at them,' says Chief Executive Dawn Zier. 'The ability to remain anonymous on a program and still have success is important to them.'

Nutrisystem是一家将包装好的餐点送至顾客家中的企业,它提供男女分类餐。针对男性的饮食计划包含汉堡和匹萨等高热量和高蛋白质的食品,而针对女性的食品则包括烤鸡肉和含乳脂软糖的全麦棒等。该公司首席执行长唐•齐尔(Dawn Zier)说:“(男性)不愿意参加集体活动,不愿意计算卡路里,也不喜欢别人强行向他们提供建议。对他们来说,重要的是能匿名参加减肥计划同时又减肥成功。”

Mr. White, of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, says that because men tend to have greater muscle mass than women they also have a higher basal metabolic rate, which means they burn more calories at rest.


And research has suggested that men have an easier time resisting food cravings than women. A 2009 study, published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, found that men's and women's brains reacted differently when the subjects were tempted by favorite foods. Gene-Jack Wang, a researcher at the Brookhaven National Laboratory, in Upton, N.Y., says brain scans showed less activity in men than women in parts of the brain associated with decision-making and emotions.

而且有研究表明,男性比女性更容易抵抗对食物的渴望。一项论文发表于《美国科学院院报》(Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences)的2009年的研究发现,在受到自己最喜爱的食品的诱惑时,男性与女性的大脑会产生不同的反应。纽约州厄普顿(Upton)的布鲁克海文国家实验室(Brookhaven National Laboratory)的研究员王金捷称,脑部扫描显示,此时男性大脑中与做决定和情绪相关的区域的活跃度要低于女性。

'When those areas show activity, it means that you're still associating food with emotion and struggling to suppress cravings or make a decision about eating it,' Dr. Wang says. While it's unclear what's behind the different responses, he suggested it may have to do with higher estrogen levels in women's brains.


Katy Stonitsch has been dieting for about a year, and her husband, Suneeth Samuel, for about 20 months. So far, she has dropped 15 pounds from a high of 190 pounds, while Mr. Samuel is down more than 100 pounds from his starting weight of 290 pounds. 'He's disciplined, I'm not,' Ms. Stonitsch says. 'I cheat way more than he does.'

家住芝加哥的桑尼斯•塞缪尔(Suneeth Samuel)与凯蒂•斯托尼奇(Katy Stonitsch)夫妇今年都是28岁。斯托尼奇已经节食了一年左右,塞缪尔则节食了约20个月的时间。迄今为止,斯托尼奇的体重从190磅的高点降了15磅,而塞缪尔的体重已减掉了100多磅,他一开始有290磅重。斯托尼奇说:“他很自律,我做不到,我逃避的时候比他多得多。”

The Chicago couple, both 28 years old, eat fewer calories each day as the week progresses, with Monday having the most calories and Saturday the least. Breakfast typically consists of egg whites or cereal, and lunch is a sandwich with lean meat. For dinner, they heat up a Lean Cuisine frozen meal. Sundays are cheat days and supposedly the only time the couple goes out to eat. But Ms. Stonitsch says she gives in to temptation more frequently.

他们夫妇采取每星期逐天减少热量摄入的方式,在周一摄入的热量最多,周六最少。早餐通常是蛋白或谷物食品,中饭则是含瘦肉的三明治,晚餐则加热一份Lean Cuisine的冷冻食品。周日是他们的放纵日,这大概是这对夫妇唯一上餐馆吃饭的一天。斯托尼奇说她屈服于食品诱惑的次数更为频繁。

'I always tried to get him to cheat with me. I could never say no to anything,' says Ms. Stonitsch.


For Mr. Samuel, dieting is just 'part of my normal routine, like getting up and brushing my teeth,' he says.


Men are less food-obsessed than women, says Karen Miller-Kovach, chief scientific officer for Weight Watchers Inc. and author of the book 'She Loses, He Loses: The Truth About Men, Women, and Weight Loss.' And when it comes to dieting, 'men usually get a wake-up call, declare fat the enemy and then do whatever to get rid of the problem.'

减肥机构慧优体(Weight Watchers)的首席科技长、《他和她:减肥方式大不同》(She Loses, He Loses: The Truth About Men, Women, and Weight Loss)一书的作者凯伦•米勒-科瓦奇(Karen Miller-Kovach)说,男性没有女性那么迷恋美食,到了要节食的时候,“男性往往是在得到警示后,宣布以脂肪为敌,然后采取一切措施来解决这个问题”。

Weight Watchers, which doesn't offer different menus for men and women, has had greater success attracting men to its online dieting program than its group meetings. Men now comprise 12% of online customers, up from 10% two years ago, says Cheryl Callan, Weight Watchers senior vice president of marketing. A separate Web portal for men includes simpler instructions than for women, and offers such features as a cheat sheet and grilling recipes. Celebrities targeting men for the company's Lose Like a Man campaign include former basketball player Charles Barkley and comedian Lenny Clarke.

慧优体并不向男性和女性提供不同食品,相较吸引男性参加集体活动,它在吸引男性参加在线节食计划方面取得了更大成功。该公司负责营销事务的高级副总裁谢里尔•卡伦(Cheryl Callan)称,男性在其在线客户中所占的比例从两年前的10%升至了12%。慧优体有一个单独针对男性的门户网站,其提供的指导要比针对女性的更简单,并且还提供备忘录和烧烤食谱等服务。该公司还举办了一个名为“像男人一样减肥”(Lose Like a Man)的活动,请来的代言名人包括前篮球球星查尔斯•巴克利(Charles Barkley)和喜剧演员伦尼•克拉克 (Lenny Clarke)。

'For men, it's about having an idol in society and saying, 'hey, they signed off on it, it's OK to diet,'' says Mr. White, the nutrition specialist. 'Ads geared toward women are more emotional and show the everyday mom, who's caring and understanding, saying 'I'm there too, I understand the struggles of being busy.''


Competition also enters into men's style of dieting. Zoe Sakoutis, chief executive of BluePrint, which offers juice cleanses, says women make up the bulk of the company's customers. But some men's groups have also followed the cleanse program. 'They were doing it in a more competitive atmosphere and had turned it into a game.'

男性的节食生活中也会出现竞争。提供果汁节食计划的减肥机构BluePrint的首席执行长佐耶•萨考提斯(Zoe Sakoutis)称,该公司的客户主要为女性,但是也有一些男性群体开始加入果汁减肥计划。他说:“他们在一种更有竞争的氛围中进行节食,把它变成了一个竞赛。”


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