






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2013-8-29 10:30| 查看数: 673| 评论数: 1|

Hong Kong's rapacious consumption and waste production is straining its natural resources and could leave the city vulnerable to global price swings and supply shortages, the World Wide Fund for Nature warns.Agence France-Presse/Getty Images世界自然基金会指出,香港的生态足迹比中国的平均水平高出一倍还多。

世界自然基金会(World Wide Fund for Nature)警告说,香港饕餮般的消费胃口和巨大的废物生产能力正在令当地的自然资源承受压力,有可能让这座城市受到全球价格波动和供应短缺的冲击。

The organization's latest report notes Hong Kong's ecological footprint is more than twice the size of China's and nearly triple the Asia-Pacific average. 'If everyone lived the lifestyle we lead in Hong Kong, humanity would need 2.6 Earths to sustain our resource needs,' wrote CW Cheung, a chartered engineer who heads the Footprint Programme at WWF-Hong Kong. 该组织最新的一份报告指出,香港的生态足迹比中国的平均水平高出一倍还多,几乎相当于亚太地区平均水平的三倍。注册工程师、世界自然基金会香港分会生态足迹项目主管张志华写道,如果世界上所有人均以港人模式生活,需要耗用2.6个地球资源。

The report's measure of 'ecological footprints' compares the amount of biologically productive land and water needed to absorb what individuals consume and generate in waste. It takes into account renewable resources but excludes toxic byproducts. 按照这份报告的测量标准,生态足迹指的是,生产人口所消费的所有资源和吸纳这些人口所产生的所有废弃物所需要的生物生产性土地的总面积和水资源量,包含可再生资源,但不包含有毒副产品。

The report says the average person's consumption in Hong Kong equals 4.7 global hectares, while the available biocapacity per capita is just 0.03. That leaves the city with one of the world's largest ecological deficits in the world, and the second-largest in Asia after Singapore. Qatar, Kuwait and the United Arab Emirates have the world's largest per-capita deficits. 报告说,香港人均生态足迹为4.7地球公顷,而可接受的生态承载力只有人均0.03地球公顷。这就意味着,这座城市的生态赤字居于全球最高之列,在亚洲高居第二位,仅次于新加坡。按人均水平计算,卡塔尔、科威特和阿拉伯联合酋长国的赤字水平全球最高。

Hong Kong's consumption has risen dramatically over the years, spurred by high incomes and ease of trade. Food, fuel, clothing and transportation amount to a large share of consumption in a city that uses over 150 times its available biocapacity. 由于受到高收入和贸易便利的刺激,过去数年来,香港的消费水平大幅攀升。在这个资源消费达到生态承载力150多倍的城市,食物、燃料、衣物和交通占据了消费的很大一部分份额。

'Hong Kong has always been reliant on the natural resources of other countries. Since ecological deficit is a growing problem around the world, there is increasing competition for global resources. Hong Kong has to make changes and adapt to the rules of this 'new game', to make us less vulnerable to fluctuations in global market prices and supply disruption,' Mr. Cheung wrote. 张志华写道,香港向来过分依赖从世界其他地方进口的天然资源,但随着全球生态超支,意味着全球人口互相竞争天然资源将更趋激烈,香港必须有所准备以适应新的游戏规则,否则有可能越来越受全球市场价格波动和供应受阻所牵制,资深地位将变得越来越脆弱。

According to Hong Kong's Environment Bureau, the city's daily domestic waste per person is large relative to similarly developed cities like Seoul, Tokyo and Taipei. Hong Kong has faced challenges absorbing waste and establishing recycling facilities due to land shortages. 按照香港环境局(Environment Bureau)的说法,该市每日人均家居废物产生量大致与首尔、东京和台北等发达城市相当。因为土地短缺,香港在废物吸纳和建设废物回收设施方面面临挑战。

Meanwhile, air pollution killed 1,600 people in the first half of the year as factories and aging vehicles caused the city's air quality to exceed the World Health Organization's recommended safe limits by more than 60%. 与此同时,今年上半年,空气污染已经令1,600人丧生。工厂设施和老旧车辆使得该市的空气质量较世界卫生组织(World Health Organization)推荐的安全限额高出了60%。

To fix Hong Kong's ecological deficit, the WWF report suggests investments in improved infrastructure, energy-efficient housing and waste-management programs. Hong Kong's Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department is drafting its first Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan.

世界自然基金会的报告建议,为了解决香港的生态赤字问题,应在改善基础设施、节能住房、废物管理等项目上进行投资。香港农渔自然护理署(Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department)正在起草首份《生物多样性策略及行动计划》。


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