






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2013-8-30 11:00| 查看数: 747| 评论数: 0|

The US government is demanding JPMorgan Chase pay more than $6bn to settle allegations it mis-sold mortgage securities ahead of the financial crisis as the bank fights escalating regulatory battles on several fronts.美国政府要求摩根大通(JPMorgan Chase)支付60多亿美元了结金融危机之前不当销售抵押贷款证券的指控。该银行正在几个方向上应对不断升级的监管纷争。

According to people familiar with the discussions, the bank is resisting the payment, which would be its single biggest penalty in a catalogue of expensive run-ins with US authorities and one of the largest post-crisis settlements by any bank. 消息人士表示,摩根大通拒绝支付罚款。这将是该银行与美国有关当局一系列昂贵纷争中最大的一份罚单,也是危机之后,所有银行中最大的了结案之一。

It dwarfs the amount that JPMorgan is expected to pay to settle regulatory action over its “London whale” trading scandal and exceeds the penalties for its alleged manipulation of commodities markets. 这超过了摩根在“伦敦鲸”(“London whale”)交易丑闻中要了结监管行动而可能支付的罚款,也高于其在涉嫌操纵大宗商品市场一案中的惩罚。

The Federal Housing Finance Agency, a government regulator, sued JPMorgan and 17 other banks in 2011. It said the bank falsely claimed that loans supporting $33bn of mortgage-backed securities complied with underwriting guidelines and that it “significantly overstated the ability of the borrowers to repay their mortgage loans”. 政府监管机构——联邦住房金融局(Federal Housing Finance Agency) 2011年对摩根和另外17家银行提起诉讼。金融局指出,该银行不实地声称,支持330亿美元抵押贷款支持证券的贷款符合承销指引,并且“严重高估了借款人偿还抵押贷款的能力”。

The securities were sold to Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, which guarantee US home loans and also buy securities for their own investment portfolio. As borrowers began to default in 2007, the value of the securities fell sharply. The FHFA is suing the banks in its role as regulator of Fannie and Freddie. 这些证券被出售给房利美(Fannie Mae)和房地美(Freddie Mac),它们是美国住房贷款担保机构,也为自身的投资组合购买证券。2007年,随着借款人开始违约,这些证券的价值急剧下跌。作为房利美和房地美的监管机构,联邦住房金融局正在起诉这些银行。

JPMorgan and the FHFA declined to comment. 摩根大通和联邦住房金融局都拒绝置评。


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