






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2013-9-3 11:30| 查看数: 1144| 评论数: 0|

Nelson Mandela, South Africa’s ailing former president, has been discharged from hospital after nearly three months’ treatment for a recurring lung infection, said the government.

南非政府称,因肺部疾病复发在医院治疗将近三个月之后,前总统纳尔逊•曼德拉(Nelson Mandela)已经出院。

The presidency said the revered 95-year-old’s condition remained critical “and is at times unstable”, but added that his doctors were convinced he would receive the “same level of intensive care” at his home in a suburb of Johannesburg.


“The healthcare personnel providing care at his home are the very same who provided care to him in hospital. If there are health conditions that warrant another admission to hospital in future, this will be done,” the presidency said in a statement. “During his stay in hospital from June 8 2013, the condition of our former president vacillated between serious to critical and at times unstable.”


The frequency of Mr Mandela’s recent hospital admissions and the serious and sombre tone used by the government to describe his condition caused many South Africans to fear the worst and reluctantly come to terms with the mortality of the elder statesman described as the “father of the nation”.


The hospital in Pretoria quickly became a place of pilgrimage as hundreds of people visited the medical centre to display their love and respect for the anti-apartheid icon, creating a montage of get well messages at a nearby wall.


It was his fourth hospital visit since December, by far his longest and accompanied by speculation over the true nature of the condition of the frail former president. In April, footage of Mr Mandela broadcast on state television showed an old man staring vacantly into the distance with little recognition of what was happening around him as he was visited by President Jacob Zuma.

这是曼德拉自去年12月以来第四次入院,也是入院时间最长的一次,人们开始猜测这位身体虚弱的前总统的真实健康状况。4月份,南非国家电视台播放的总统雅各布•祖玛(Jacob Zuma)探访曼德拉的镜头中,这位老人茫然地盯着远方,似乎不知道周围在发生什么。


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