






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2013-9-11 09:30| 查看数: 756| 评论数: 0|

Roberto Azevêdo, the new head of the World Trade Organisation, has used his debut address to members to issue a rousing call for them to reach a deal in Bali later this year that would add up to $1tn to the global economy.

世界贸易组织(WTO)新任总干事罗伯托•阿泽维多(Roberto Azevêdo)利用对成员国发表的就任演说发出强力号召,敦促它们今年晚些时候在巴厘岛开会时达成一项有望使全球经济总量增加1万亿美元的协定。

The Brazilian, who succeeded Pascal Lamy at the beginning of this month, has been given the task of re-energising the 159-member WTO at a time when many are questioning its value as a negotiating forum thanks to its inability to make progress in the now 12-year-old Doha round of trade negotiations.

本月初接替帕斯卡尔•拉米(Pascal Lamy)出任总干事的这名巴西人,受命重振拥有159个成员国的世贸组织。目前有很多人在质疑世贸组织作为一个谈判论坛的价值,原因是其未能在现已拖了12年之久的多哈回合贸易谈判中取得进展。

Member countries have set a goal of reaching a limited “Doha Lite” agreement on food security and reducing bureaucracy at borders at the biennial ministerial meeting in Bali in December. Some analysts have put the potential benefit of such a deal to the global economy at up to $1tn.


But negotiations have been progressing slowly and Mr Azevêdo told members in his debut address to the WTO’s General Council yesterday that efforts needed to become more aggressive. At risk, he said, was the very future of the multilateral system of trade negotiations.


“The multilateral trading system remains the best defence against protectionism and the strongest force for growth, recovery and development,” Mr Azevêdo said. “Yet, as I take on this role, it is clear that the system is in trouble.


“The perception in the world is that we have forgotten how to negotiate. The perception is ineffectiveness. The perception is paralysis,” he said. “We must send a clear and unequivocal message to the world that the WTO can deliver multilateral trade deals.”


The world would not “wait for the WTO indefinitely”, he added.


There are already signs some big WTO members are no longer waiting for progress in the Doha round.


The US has launched negotiations towards two major regional trade agreements – with the EU and separately with 10 Pacific Rim countries as part of the Trans-Pacific Partnership. While the EU-US negotiations are in the early stages and any deal is potentially years away, US officials have said they would like to finalise a TPP deal by the end of 2013.


While Mr Lamy had been critical of those negotiations , Mr Azevêdo said he did not see them as a threat to the WTO. “My concern is not that these negotiations are taking place,” he told reporters after his speech. “My concern is with the multilateral trading system that is not negotiating.”


Mr Azevêdo also announced the WTO had cut its forecast for global trade growth to 2.5 per cent this year from 3.3 per cent due to a slower than anticipated recovery in Europe. It had also cut its forecast for trade growth next year to 4.5 per cent from 5 per cent.


However, Mr Azevêdo said the slowdown in emerging economies such as Brazil, China and India would not affect the WTO’s forecasts for now. Although they were slowing, emerging economies such as his own country’s were still growing faster than advanced economies and were a major contributor to global growth.


For that reason, he said, it was right that emerging markets could claim to be at the centre of global governance through their growing role in the WTO and other multilateral bodies.



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