






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2013-9-11 12:30| 查看数: 793| 评论数: 0|

Global stocks extended gains for a sixth day as signs of resilience in the Chinese economy refocused investors away from lacklustre US non-farm payrolls.


Stocks on Wall Street started the week on firmer footing, picking up the baton from a strong session in Asia. Gains in Europe lagged behind, with traders citing Syrian worries and profit-taking as reasons for the continent’s muted performance.


Asian shares extended their winning streak to eight days, their best run for nine months, as upbeat Chinese trade and inflation data offered reassurance on the strength of the world’s second-largest economy.


Japanese stocks jumped to five-week highs, buoyed by the feelgood factor of Tokyo’s Olympics victory, while Chinese stocks had their best day for nine months.


“Chinese trade has insulated Asian sentiment from the US non-farm miss,” said Sacha Tihanyi of Scotiabank. “A fall in inflationary pressures and stabilisation in economic growth is certainly a positive dynamic for the nation.”

“中国贸易数据使得亚洲市场的情绪免于受到美国非农就业数据逊于预期的影响。”加拿大丰业银行(Scotia Bank)的萨沙•泰汉伊(Sacha Tihanyi)表示,“通胀压力下降和经济增长企稳,对中国而言肯定是积极的动态。”

Data showed China’s August inflation was benign at 2.6 per cent, while weekend figures showing export growth of 7.2 per cent created the highest August trade surplus for the country since 2008.


By midday in New York, the FTSE All World index was climbing 0.8 per cent, highlighted by a 1.4 per cent gain for Asian stocks, while the S& 500 advanced 0.6 per cent.

截至纽约午盘,富时环球指数(FTSE All World index)攀升0.8%,其中的亮点是亚洲股指上涨1.4%,而美国标普500指数(S& 500)上涨0.6%。

Europe’s markets were more hesitant. The FTSE Eurofirst 300 slipped 0.2 per cent, and the FTSE 100 declined 0.25 per cent in London, but off session lows.

欧洲股市则表现得比较犹豫。富时Eurofirst 300指数(FTSE Eurofirst 300)微跌0.2%,伦敦富时100指数(FTSE 100)微跌0.25%;这两个指数收盘时都已从当日低位反弹。

“A strong Asian session with news overnight showing Chinese exports rising more than forecast has failed to stimulate European markets in the same way with pressure coming from oil stocks,” said Nick Dale-Lace of CMC Markets.

“亚洲交易时段行情强劲、以及前夜消息显示中国出口增长超出预测,未能像石油库存压力那样刺激欧洲市场,”CMC Markets的尼克•戴尔-莱斯(Nick Dale-Lace)表示。

“This lack of reaction may have more to do with the past three sessions having been positive and the fact we are coming off the biggest weekly advance for European shares since April,” he added.


A cautious environment was also illustrated by risk appetite remaining mixed across a range of other asset classes. The havens of German Bunds and the US dollar lost some ground, but US Treasuries drew buyers.


Meanwhile, US oil prices retreated from Friday’s two-year highs, falling 0.8 per cent to $109.64 a barrel, as the Obama administration continued to press the case for military intervention in Syria to Washington lawmakers. Brent crude fell 1.5 per cent to $114.43.


There was positive economic news from Japan as it revised its second-quarter gross domestic product reading upwards to 3.8 per cent on an annualised basis compared with an initial reading of 2.6 per cent, in a boost for Tokyo’s “Abenomics” policies.


The Nikkei 225 Average closed up 2.5 per cent, while the Shanghai Composite rose to three-month highs after climbing 3.4 per cent.

日经225指数(Nikkei 225 Average)收盘上涨2.5%;而上证综指单日攀升3.4%,收于三个月高位。

Australia’s market was more subdued, closing up 0.7 per cent in the first trading session since Saturday’s national election, in which the centre-right coalition led by the Liberal Party’s Tony Abbott swept to power.

澳大利亚股市的表现比较沉闷,在上周日大选后的首个交易日里微涨0.7%。以自由党(Liberal Party)的托尼•阿博特(Tony Abbott)为首的中右翼联盟在大选中轻松胜出。

In the currencies market, the Australian dollar was boosted by the Chinese trade data, adding 0.4 per cent to US$0.9220 after touching its strongest level for three weeks.


Both the euro and sterling climbed against the dollar, which sank 0.4 per cent against a basket of leading currencies, while the yen also retreated 0.4 per cent to Y99.50.


In commodities, gold extended recent weakness in early trading but recovered to trade nearly flat on the day at $1,388 an ounce.


The mixed picture among core government bonds saw German Bund yields rise 1 basis point to 1.96 per cent after their biggest fall for seven months on Friday, while 10-year US Treasury yields moved in the opposite direction, falling 4bp to 2.89 per cent as Friday’s weaker than expected jobs report continued to cast a shadow.


The prospect of US Federal Reserve tapering remains on the table, but Friday’s disappointing US jobs report reduced expectations for an immediate shift in Fed policy.


Italian bond markets were calm ahead of a Senate debate in Rome on whether to expel former premier Silvio Berlusconi from parliament, a move that could unravel the country’s governing coalition – but 10-year yields only edged forward 1bp to 4.51 per cent.

意大利债券市场形势平静,该国参议院即将在罗马展开一场辩论,主题是要不要把前总理西尔维奥•贝卢斯科尼(Silvio Berlusconi)逐出议会。此举可能导致该国执政联盟瓦解,但10年期意大利国债收益率仅微升1个基点,至4.51%。


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