






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2013-9-12 11:00| 查看数: 843| 评论数: 0|

Apple put improved security and bright new colours ahead of aggressive price cuts at the launch of its latest iPhone models, as it sought to broaden its appeal without compromising its premium brand.


For the first time since the iPhone’s launch in 2007, Apple introduced two new handsets at the same time: the 5S, which carries a fingerprint reader and comes in new silver and gold colours, and the cheaper 5C, sporting brightly coloured plastic casing.


The retail price of the iPhone 5C handset will be $549 in the US, cheaper than the top-of-the-range 5S but still more expensive than many of the Chinese rivals that have taken a larger portion of the market in countries such as China and India. By pricing the 5C towards the upper end of Wall Street’s expectations, Apple has signalled it is unwilling to sacrifice margins and its aspirational brand as it attempts to win back market share from Samsung and other smartphone makers running Google’s Android operating system.

iPhone 5C在美国的零售价格将为549美元,比全系列中价格最高的5S便宜一些,但仍比许多中国国产手机贵。中国的国产手机已在中国、印度等国家占据更大的市场份额。通过将5C的价格定于接近华尔街预期的上限,苹果释放出一个信号:它不愿为了从三星(Samsung)等运行谷歌(Google) Android操作系统的智能手机制造商那里赢回市场份额,而牺牲利润率和品牌感召力。

Tim Cook, Apple’s chief executive, unveiled the new devices at the company’s headquarters in Cupertino, the first time it has hosted a product launch there since co-founder Steve Jobs died two years ago.

苹果首席执行官蒂姆•库克(Tim Cook)在位于库比提诺的苹果总部为两款新产品揭幕。自苹果联合创始人史蒂夫•乔布斯(Steve Jobs)两年前去世以来,这是苹果首次在总部发布新产品。

“In the past we’ve lowered the price of the older iPhone, making it more accessible to new people. This year we’re not going to do that,” Mr Cook said.


“This year, the business has been so large, that this year we’re going to replace the iPhone 5, with not one but two new designs. This allows us to serve even more customers.”

“今年,业务如此庞大,因此今年我们打算用两款、而非一款机型来替代iPhone 5。这让我们能够服务于更多顾客。”

The higher-end iPhone’s new fingerprint reader – which is called “Touch ID” and is built into the home button – will allow users to do away with the lock screen’s numerical passcodes that some smartphone owners use to prevent other people from using their device.

更高端的那款iPhone新机型配有新的指纹识别器,称为“Touch ID”(触摸身份),内置于home按钮,让用户不再需要用数字密码来防范他人使用自己的设备。

Analysts have said the introduction of colour to the iPhone line-up may represent a slowdown in technical innovation.



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