






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2013-9-13 10:30| 查看数: 762| 评论数: 0|

Rising incomes and a growing taste for meat are changing China’s appetite for corn imports, with potentially profound effects on global food markets.


Under Beijing’s policy of “self-sufficiency”, corn imports, along with rice and wheat, have been kept to a minimum since China lowered its import barriers in 2001. The soyabean market, in contrast, was opened up to imports to release land for the key staples, and China has become the world’s largest importer of the oilseed.


But the world’s corn traders are feeling more upbeat as growing demand for livestock feed has brought a steady rise in corn imports.


In the long term, “China, currently representing over 75 per cent of global seaborne trade in soyabeans, will also become a major importer of corn,” says Chris Mahoney, head of agriculture at Glencore Xstrata.

嘉能可斯特拉塔(Glencore Xstrata)农业主管克里斯•马奥尼(Chris Mahoney)称,从长期看,“目前占全球大豆海运贸易逾75%的中国,还将成为玉米的主要进口国”。

A change in tone from Beijing is supportive of this view. Last year, Chinese agriculture minister Han Changfu wrote in an article that China would not allow itself to become dependent on foreign supplies and corn “should not become the second soyabean”. More recently, Mr Han said corn imports would have to rise gradually in order to meet feed demand.


Although the 95 per cent threshold for self-sufficiency has not changed, “the rising volume of grain and soyabean imports has stimulated a lot of discussion this year among Chinese officials and analysts about how to rethink the concept of self-sufficiency,” says Fred Gale, senior economist at the US Department of Agriculture.

美国农业部高级经济师弗雷德•盖尔(Fred Gale)表示,尽管95%自给率的指标仍然未变,但“谷物和大豆进口的不断增加,今年引发了中国官员和分析人士的热议,促使他们反思自给自足的概念”。

Xu Xiaoqing, the head of the rural department at the State Council’s Development and Research Centre, a government think tank, last week told a conference in Beijing that China could import 20m-30m tonnes of corn a year to cover growing supply shortages.


“Our corn needs are up, which means in the future we will see some imports but not to the same extent as soya,” Mr Xu told the Financial Times.


China’s corn imports are projected to more than double from 3m tonnes in the 2012-13 crop year to 7m tonnes in 2013-14, according to the USDA. By 2022, the country is forecast to become the leading corn importer, buying 19.6m tonnes from world markets.



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