






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2013-9-17 09:09| 查看数: 741| 评论数: 0|

Jason Swett still cringes when he remembers the party in Atlanta 10 years ago, where, drink in hand, he tried 'to impress the local Southern belles,' he says, by talking -- nonstop.

每次想到十年前亚特兰大的那次派对,杰森・斯威特(Jason Swett)都会心有余悸。他说,当时他手里拿着喝的,嘴巴一直滔滔不绝地讲话,为的是“打动当地的南方美女们”。

He told the six or so people he'd just met the tale of how once at a grocery store he helped apprehend a thief who'd stuffed steaks down his pants. And the story about the time he spotted a bike at the bottom of a pond in a local park and jumped in to retrieve it. And then the one about how he smoked himself out of his own basement by setting off illegal fireworks.


Eventually, Mr. Swett asked the group, 'Wanna hear another one?' The reply was unanimous. 'No!' six people shouted in unison.

There is an art to elegantly starting, sustaining and ending a dialogue with strangers or friends. Experts call it conversational intelligence. Others call it the gift of gab. Hard as it may be for chatty people to believe, not everyone is born with it. For many, it takes study and practice.


Some people dismiss small talk as mere chitchat, an unnecessary and annoying waste of time. Many men consider it a female thing. But experts say casual conversation is essential social grease -- a ritual that helps us connect with friends, colleagues and people we've just met.


We can use small talk to signal our friendly intent and to get people to like us. It can lead to more-significant conversations that spark friendships and clinch deals. Still, for many it remains a mysterious and challenging art.


Small talk occurs in all cultures but the substance differs. Americans generally have an international reputation for being good at small talk although the content is often seen by other cultures as superficial, says Roger Baumgarte, professor emeritus of psychology at Winthrop University, in Rock Hill, S.C.

闲聊在所有文化中都有,但内容各不相同。南卡罗来纳州Rock Hill温索学(Winthrop University)心理学荣誉教授罗杰・鲍姆加特(Roger Baumgarte)说,美国人在国际上普遍被认为擅长闲聊,但其内容却常在其他文化中被认为很肤浅。

Unfortunately, we seem to be getting less good at it. (Been on the Web lately?) So much of our lives have moved online, we've become less adept at in-person interactions. Experts worry that, thanks to videogames and texting, younger generations aren't learning the basics of real conversation.


You can develop your conversational intelligence. It isn't complicated, especially if you keep this rule of thumb in mind: Focus on the other person. 'Let it be known that you want to make conversation,' says Bernardo J. Carducci, professor of psychology and director of the Shyness Research Institute at Indiana University Southeast, in New Albany, Ind. 'Make it easy for the other person.'

“聊天才能”是可以开发的。它并不复杂,尤其是如果你谨记这条原则的话:把焦点放在对方身上。印第安纳州新奥尔巴尼(New Albany)印第安纳大学东南分校(Indiana University Southeast)心理学教授、害羞研究中心(Shyness Research Institute)负责人波尔纳多・J.卡杜西(Bernardo J. Carducci)说:“让对方知道你想交谈,让对方觉得轻松。”

A successful conversation can be divided into five stages, Dr. Carducci says. In the 'Getting Started' stage, you signal your desire to talk with a simple opening line based on something both of you are observing or experiencing in your shared surroundings. ('Hot enough for you?')


In the second stage, the 'Personal Introduction,' you should mention something about yourself, state your name if appropriate and provide hints for topics to talk about. ('It seems like the whole city is on vacation this week.')


'A good personal introduction helps to move the conversation forward,' Dr. Carducci says. He encourages people who aren't adept conversationalists to keep a few 'go to' topics in their back pocket.


In the third stage, 'Pre-Topical Exploration,' you and your conversation partner are looking for common ground. This is a good time to ask questions, and to refer back to and build upon things said earlier. ('Did you get a chance to get away this summer?') When the other person introduces a topic, you should respond -- or quickly offer an alternative.


Fear of awkward silences is common in people who aren't natural conversationalists. Expert say don't worry when it gets quiet. The other person is probably just thinking of something to say. I could chat with a tree, and even I was stumped recently after I took my seat on a plane and the man next to me responded to my opening line -- 'I hate to leave Honolulu' -- with 'I've been married 24 years.'


In the 'Post-Topical Elaboration' stage, your job is to keep the conversation going. 'Good conversation is topic-building,' says Dr. Carducci, so you should make links between subjects. ('I took a 'staycation' and saw some excellent movies.')


As in every stage, you should be careful not to talk too much. This means you should avoid your favorite topic, whether it is yoga or your kid's soccer tournament.


But don't let the other person hog all the airtime, either. If this starts to happen, mention something about yourself when he or she takes a breath. 'Bad small-talkers are too self-critical, so they shut themselves down,' says Dr. Carducci, who wrote 'The Pocket Guide to Making Successful Small Talk.'

但也不要让对方占太多时间。如果有这样的苗头,那就在对方停顿的时候提到和自己有关的事情。卡杜西说:“不擅长闲聊的人总是太过自我贬抑,所以他们会主动闭嘴。”卡杜西著有《闲聊技巧指南》(The Pocket Guide to Making Successful Small Talk)一书。

The final stage is the 'Wrap Up.' Here, you signal that the end is near and show appreciation ('Nice chatting with you.') Demonstrate that you were listening by summarizing highlights of the conversation ('Thanks for those movie recommendations.') Look for a way to stay in touch, if you would like -- offer a business card or ask if the person is on Facebook.


Ask a lot of questions. People love to talk about themselves and often will think you are a great conversationalist if you talk about them and not yourself. Don't let the conversation stall after the person has answered -- be ready with follow-up questions or build on the topic. And avoid obvious inquiries. Cathy Svacina, a 60-year-old marbles expert and tournament referee from Kansas City, Mo., likes to ask people what they do for fun. 'That immediately tells me more about who they are than what they do for work,' she says.

多多提问。人们喜欢谈论自己,而且如果你谈论他们而不是自己的话,他们通常会认为你很会聊天。对方回答后不要让谈话僵持――准备好后续问题,或者就这个话题展开深入讨论。另外要避免太过明显的问题。来自密苏里州堪萨斯城、现年60岁的弹珠专家及弹珠锦标赛裁判凯西・斯瓦奇纳(Cathy Svacina)喜欢问别人有什么兴趣爱好。她说:“通过这种问题我会马上知道对方是什么样的人,而不是他们是做什么工作的。”

Listening is crucial. Dan Nainan, 32, a comedian from Manhattan, has learned to summarize what the other person says. ('So you think that. . .' or 'So what you're saying is. . .') 'A conversation can go on indefinitely if you do this,' he says.

倾听很关键。现年32岁、来自曼哈顿的喜剧演员丹・达伊纳安(Dan Nainan)学会了总结对方所说的话,比如“所以你认为……”或者“所以你的意思是……”。他说:“如果这样的话谈话就可以永远进行下去。”

Have a line ready for when you want the conversation to end. Ella Rucker, a 40-year-old freelance writer from Bronx, N.Y., smiles and says, 'As much as I've enjoyed our conversation, I'll let you continue with your evening.'

对自己希望聊天什么时候结束要有概念。来自纽约布朗克斯、现年40岁的自由职业作家艾拉・吕克(Ella Rucker)微笑着说:“虽然我很享受咱们之间的谈话,但是恐怕也只能聊到傍晚了。”

Mr. Swett's small-talk epiphany came several years ago, after he read Dale Carnegie's 'How to Win Friends and Influence People.' In 2010, he joined Toastmasters International, a group that helps people with public speaking. 'I learned that people are mostly interested in themselves,' says the 29-year-old Grand Rapids, Mich., software engineer. 'If you talk to the other person about them, they'll be much more responsive and interested than if you talk about you.'

斯维特是在几年前读了戴尔・卡耐基(Dale Carnegie)的《如何赢得友谊和影响他人》之后对闲聊有所顿悟的。2010年,他加入了帮助人们进行公共演讲的组织国际演讲协会(Toastmasters International)。这位现年29岁、来自密歇根Grand Rapids的软件工程师说:“我知道了人们对自己才最感兴趣,如果你聊他们,他们会比你聊自己回应更积极也更感兴趣。”

Recently, Mr. Swett had a job interview at a telecommunications firm, where, rather than just talking about himself, he began by asking questions and then responded to questions others raised. One of the executives nodded approvingly and asked, 'Did someone coach you on this interview?'



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