






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2013-9-17 12:39| 查看数: 1034| 评论数: 1|

Cathay Pacific, Hong Kong’s flag carrier, has become embroiled in a public dogfight with Qantas Airways and China Eastern Airlines over their plans to launch a budget airline in the Chinese territory.

香港的载旗航空公司国泰航空(Cathay Pacific)卷入了一场与澳洲航空(Qantas Airways)和中国东方航空(China Eastern)的公开口水战,起因是后两家公司计划在这个中国的特别行政区开设一家廉价航空公司。

John Slosar, Cathay’s chief executive, said Hong Kong should not grant Jetstar Hong Kong a licence. He claimed its “principal place of business” would not be Hong Kong (as required by law) saying it would in effect be controlled by Australian management. He said it was vital that Hong Kong carriers were not “taking directions from an overseas parrot”.

国泰航空行政总裁史乐山(John Slosar)表示,香港不应为捷星香港(Jestar Hong Kong)颁发执照。他宣称,该公司实际上将由澳大利亚管理层控制,其“主要营业地点”并不(如法律要求的)在香港。他说,有必要确保香港的航空公司不听命于海外的鹦鹉。

Mr Slosar said Qantas and low-cost subsidiary, Jetstar Airways, would in effect control the new airline. He pointed to a document filed with the Australian competition regulator in which the companies said Jetstar-branded airlines would “operate as a single, fully integrated organisation by co-ordinating their operations and activities in the Asian region”.

史乐山表示,澳航及其旗下的廉价航空公司捷星航空(Jestar Airways)将在事实上掌控这家新成立的航空公司。他指出,捷星在澳大利亚竞争监管机构备案的一份文件中表示,所有捷星品牌的航空公司都将“在整个亚洲地区协调自己的运营和活动、从而像一家完全整合的公司那样运营”。

In 2012, Qantas and China Eastern unveiled plans to launch Hong Kong’s first budget airline. The deal was supposed to help China Eastern expand internationally and provide Qantas with a foothold in the Chinese market. But rivals said the deal would breach the Basic Law, by which Hong Kong has been governed since 1997.


This year, the Australian and Chinese carriers brought in a local partner by selling a one-third stake to Shun Tak Holdings, a Hong Kong conglomerate run by Pansy Ho, the daughter of Macau gambling tycoon Stanley Ho. But the decision has failed to deflect criticism by competitors such as Cathay.

今年,澳航和中国东航引入了香港本土合作者,它们将合资公司三分之一的股份卖给了香港综合性企业信德集团有限公司(Shun Tak Holdings)。该公司掌门人何超琼(Pansy Ho)是澳门赌王何鸿燊(Stanley Ho)之女。但此举未能挡开国泰等竞争对手的批评。

Many traditional full-service carriers are trying to grab a share of the growing low-cost aviation market in Asia. Cathay, which is part-owned by Swire and Air China, last year said it had no need to launch its own low-cost airline. Hong Kong’s government is expected to decide in the coming months whether to grant a licence to Jetstar Hong Kong.

许多传统的全业务航空公司都在试图从亚洲不断增长的廉价航空市场分一杯羹。由太古集团(Swire)和中国国际航空(Air China)参股的国泰航空去年表示,它没有必要开设自己的廉价航空公司。香港政府预计将在未来几个月决定是否向捷星香港颁发执照。

Jetstar Hong Kong says its principal place of business is Hong Kong. It says five of its seven board members are Hong Kong permanent residents and its staff – from the chief executive on down – are mainly local.


Edward Lau, chief executive of Jetstar Hong Kong, denied the budget carrier would be managed from Australia. opt cut to end- -pse run in full onlineHe said details in the document referred to co-ordination and had no bearing on control. He said the carrier was a “fully independent” airline.

捷星香港行政总裁刘仲威(Edward Lau)否认该公司将从澳大利亚远程管理。他表示,上述文件中的一些细节指的是协调,并不涉及控制权。他表示,捷星香港是一家“完全独立”的航空公司。


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