






发布者: sunnyHU | 发布时间: 2013-9-23 17:23| 查看数: 906| 评论数: 0|

For Mark Zuckerberg, what a difference a year makes.

对扎克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg)来说,一年之间的变化不可谓不大。

The Facebook CEO returned to the TechCrunch Disrupt conference in San Francisco Wednesday to talk up his company's successes on mobile phones and discuss its widening mission to connect people through new initiatives such as Internet.org. His on-stage interview was preceded by a company milestone: Facebook's stock closed on Wednesday at an all-time high of $45.04.

周三,Facebook的这位首席执行长(CEO)再度来到旧金山的TechCrunch Disrupt大会,讲述该公司在手机业务上取得的成功,并讨论其不断拓宽的使命:用新创意(比如Internet.org.)来联结彼此。在他上台接受采访之前,他的公司实现了一个里程碑:Facebook股票周三收盘价达到了创纪录的45.04美元。

Just one year ago, Facebook seemed to be on a free fall. At the time, its stock was trading at about $20 per share -- almost half of its IPO price -- and many were wondering it Zuckerberg would ever figure out a profitable mobile business model. Then, at last year's TechCrunch Disrupt conference, Zuckerberg described his big bet on HTML5 -- a technology that allows an app to work on various mobile devices -- as one of the company's biggest mistakes.

仅仅在一年之前,Facebook似乎还处于自由落体的状态。当时,该公司的股价在20美元左右,差不多是IPO价格的一半,而且很多人还在怀疑,扎克伯格能否最终找到一个能赚钱的移动业务模式。后来,在去年的TechCrunch Disrupt大会上,扎克伯格说他在HTML5上的大笔押注是公司犯下的最严重的错误之一,HTML5是能让应用程序在不同平台的移动设备上使用的技术。

This year, Zuckerberg didn't dwell on mistakes -- though he did joke that he would be the last person that Twitter executives should talk to about 'how to make a smooth IPO.' He said he had worried that the messy IPO would leave his company demoralized or spur an exodus. But he now believes it is stronger and that he has a better grasp of its business.


With that chapter behind him, Zuckerberg says he's focused on fulfilling Facebook's larger mission. He said it is moving beyond the goal of connecting a billion people and now 'retooling the company in a lot of ways' to go after more difficult problems -- and to connect everyone and everything. Essentially, he wants a map to 'understand everything in the world,' he said.


Zuckerberg said that the company's heavily touted Home app for Android-based phones was 'slower in rolling out' than he would have wanted. But he defended the software, describing it as a work-in-progress that more users would find valuable over time. 'We're patient,' he said, adding that the company was working on several improvements to Home, including more prominently featuring Instagram content and other social content in the app's lockscreen page, and promoting downloads of it within the Facebook app.


Michael Arrington, TechCrunch's co-founder, also asked the Facebook chief about one of the company's longstanding mottos, 'move fast and break things.' Arrington wondered: does that style ever get the company in trouble?

TechCrunch联合创始人阿灵顿(Michael Arrington)还向扎克伯格问及Facebook长期以来的座右铭:快速行动,打破陈规。阿灵顿想知道,这种风格是否曾经让公司陷入麻烦?

'Yes, it gets us into tons of trouble,' said Zuckerberg. He later added, 'values are only useful when they are controversial.



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