






发布者: sunnyHU | 发布时间: 2013-9-25 17:24| 查看数: 960| 评论数: 0|

At the Bab al-Jabiyeh market in the old quarter of the Syrian capital, shoppers clamored to stock up on essentials such as rice, pasta, bread, sugar and anything in a can.

叙利亚首都大马士革老城区的Bab al-Jabiyeh市场里人声鼎沸,购物者们在抢购大米、意大利面、面包、糖等生活必需品以及任何罐装食品。

For many here, whatever their allegiances, immediate survival was the focus.


'I am not with [Assad] and I do not like him, but I want to live,' said a well-to-do merchant in the upscale neighborhood of Maleki, home to President Bashar al-Assad. 'I fear for my wife; I fear we won't be able to leave our homes because of the chaos.'

高端社区Maleki的一名富裕商人说,我并不支持阿萨德(Bashar al-Assad),也不喜欢他这个人,但我想活下去;我担心我太太;担心我们因为混乱而出不了家门。叙利亚总统阿萨德的家也在Maleki。

A tenuous stability under Mr. Assad, he said, would be better than this. Like other residents who don't actively support the Assad regime, he asked not to be identified for fear of retribution.


For many Syrians, a feeling of helplessness prevails. They see themselves as pawns in a game of nations between the U.S., Saudi Arabia and other rebel backers on one side and regime patrons Iran and Russia on the other.


'At the end of the day, it is us civilians who are going to pay the price, no matter what happens,' said a restaurant owner.


Ambivalence about U.S. intervention could be found even in a rebel-held neighborhood-just a few miles from the city center-that residents said was gassed last week by the regime, spurring international action.


'The U.S. will only bring us more problems,' said one activist there. The West, he said, would get better results by supplying advanced weapons to the rebels.


For residents across the capital, fears went beyond the question of survival.


Regime opponents worried that expected U.S. strikes intended to punish President Assad, but not topple him, for suspected use of chemical weapons would spur the regime and its loyalists to intensify efforts to crush their opponents-because, in the regime's view, rebels and their supporters are the cause of the foreign intervention.


Those who support Mr. Assad or describe themselves as neutral fear that rebels would take advantage of missile strikes to try to make military advances-spawning more sectarian warfare.


Some spoke of the danger that their country would become partitioned along sectarian lines; many feared another Iraq, where a U.S.-led invasion 10 years ago unleashed a violent conflict that grinds on to this day.


In the center of Damascus, much of daily life appeared normal on Wednesday. Leafy streets were clean, fountains spouted water at full force, road crews were at work and traffic police manned their posts at intersections.

周三在大马士革市中心,日常生活似乎基本上保持正常状态。绿树成荫的街道干干 ,喷泉开足马力喷出水柱,道路工人都在工作,交通警察也在十字路口的岗位上值勤。

Government officials told the public that bread and other food supplies were ample, and warned price gougers and war profiteers that they would be punished. But the Syrian pound weakened again. Despite recent government attempts to stabilize the currency at 200 Syrian pounds to the dollar, black-market exchanges were trading at nearly 270 on Wednesday-jumping from 230 the previous day-as worries spread of an impending attack.



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