






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2013-9-30 10:16| 查看数: 696| 评论数: 0|

Theresa May, home secretary, has bowed to pressure from retailers and businesses who want to lure high-spending Chinese tourists to Britain by seeking to bring in a joint visa application for the UK and other European countries.

英国内政大臣特里萨•梅伊(Theresa May,见右图)已屈从于零售商和其他商家的压力,寻求推出同时适用于英国与其它欧洲国家的共同签证申请程序。英国零售商与其他商家希望吸引出手阔绰的中国游客。

London’s department stores such as Harrods and other companies have long complained that the UK’s time-consuming and complex visa application process means they are losing Chinese customers to more accessible European capitals.


Only this week Willie Walsh, chief executive of IAG, which owns British Airways and Iberia, described the bureaucracy and delays involved in obtaining a UK visa as a “major problem”.

就在本周,国际航空集团(IAG)首席执行官威利•沃尔什(Willie Walsh)也发出过类似抱怨,他把获取英国签证过程中所遭遇的繁文缛节和拖拉延迟称为“一大麻烦”。国际航空集团旗下拥有英国航空(British Airways)和西班牙伊比利亚航空公司(Iberia)。

“There’s a perception in China that the UK does not want to see Chinese tourists and businesses,” Mr Walsh warned. “The government talks good talk about doing business with China, but it’s one thing saying it and another putting that into action.”


Competition to attract Chinese shoppers – who flock to Europe to avoid their own government’s high taxes on luxury goods – is fierce. The Chinese are now the world’s most valuable tourist market, spending a total of $102bn on their global travels in 2012.


However, British retailers fear that cumbersome visa bureaucracy is preventing their access to these upwardly-mobile Asian travellers. Visitors from China typically spend £1,676 per visit to the UK, nearly three times the global average. But France currently receives at least 25 per cent more Chinese tourists each year than the UK does.


Ms May is also facing complaints from her own Cabinet colleagues, with both David Cameron, prime minister and George Osborne, chancellor, concerned about Britain’s openness to Chinese visitors ahead of their planned visits to Beijing this Autumn.

英国内政大臣梅伊也面对其内阁同僚们的抱怨,英国首相戴维•卡梅伦(David Cameron)和财政大臣乔治•奥斯本(George Osborne)都计划在今年秋天访问中国,他们在行前都颇为担心英国对中国游客的开放度。


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