






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2013-9-30 10:46| 查看数: 641| 评论数: 0|

International monitors could begin inspecting Syria’s chemical weapons as soon as Tuesday after the UN Security Council adopted a resolution on Friday night that demands their eradication.

联合国(UN)安理会(Security Council)周五晚通过了一项要求叙利亚销毁化学武器的决议。联合国核查员最早可能从周二开始对叙利亚的化学武器进行检查。

The unanimous vote by the 15-member Security Council follows several weeks of tough negotiations between the US and Russia, and presents a rare diplomatic breakthrough at the UN over Syria. However, it stops short of threatening automatic penalties if the Syrian regime fails to hand over its chemical weapons.


Under the adoption of the new resolution, Syria now faces a legal obligation to give up its chemical weapons, but the UN must pass a second resolution if it is to enforce any of the possible penalties, which include sanctions or military force.


Although the text of the resolution will raise questions about whether the Assad regime will feel compelled to comply, the agreement at the UN in New York represents a striking turnround for the Obama administration, which only three weeks ago had been facing the possible humiliation of Congressional defeat over its plan to launch air strikes against the Syrian regime in response to the August 21 chemical weapons attack in Damascus.


UN secretary-general Ban Ki-moon said after the vote that the big powers hoped to hold a peace conference on Syria in mid-November in Geneva.

上述决议在安理会投票通过之后,联合国秘书长潘基文(Ban Ki-moon)表示,几个大国希望于今年11月在日内瓦举行一次有关叙利亚问题的和平会议。

He told the Security Council: “As we mark this important step, we must never forget that the catalogue of horrors in Syria continues with bombs and tanks, grenades and guns. A red light for one form of weapons does not mean a green light for others.”


US secretary of state John Kerry said the vote showed that “actions have consequences”.

美国国务卿约翰•克里(John Kerry)表示,投票结果表明,“(叙利亚)行动是会带来后果的”。

“Our original objective was to degrade and deter Syria’s chemical weapons capability. And the option of military force that President Obama has kept on the table could have achieved that. But tonight’s resolution accomplishes even more – through peaceful means, it will for the first time seek to eliminate entirely a nation’s chemical weapons capability,” he said.


Russian foreign minister Sergei Lavrov said the Security Council would be prepared to take punitive steps in the event of confirmed violations of the resolution by either side in the conflict.

俄罗斯外长谢尔盖•拉夫罗夫(Sergei Lavrov)表示,倘若有证据证实叙利亚冲突中任何一方明确违反决议,联合国必将采取惩罚性措施。


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