






发布者: sunnyHU | 发布时间: 2013-10-2 18:49| 查看数: 846| 评论数: 0|

J.P. Morgan Chase & Co. is preparing to pay at least $800 million in fines related to the 'London whale' trading fiasco, but that won't solve all the bank's problems with regulators and prosecutors over the matter.

摩根大通公司(J.P. Morgan Chase & Co.)目前正准备为“伦敦鲸”交易惨败交纳至少8亿美元罚金,但这并不会解决该银行在这件事上与监管机构和检方的所有问题。

The Commodity Futures Trading Commission is investigating whether the nation's largest bank manipulated a market index tied to corporate bonds, according to people familiar with the situation.

知情人士表示,美国商品期货交易委员会(Commodity Futures Trading Commission, 简称CFTC)目前正在调查这家该国最大银行是否操纵了一项与公司债券绑定的市场指数。

The Federal Bureau of Investigation and Manhattan prosecutors, meanwhile, continue to gather evidence for what could result in criminal charges against J.P. Morgan over the London whale trades, people familiar with the situation said.


J.P. Morgan has expressed interest in settling all related probes, according to people familiar with the matter. But negotiations with the CFTC hit a snag over whether J.P. Morgan would admit to manipulation, according to one person.


J.P. Morgan on Tuesday took steps to move past the matter. Chief Executive James Dimon said in a company-wide note that the bank is making compliance and controls 'priority #1.'

摩根大通周二采取措施走出该事件。首席执行长戴蒙(James Dimon)在一封发给全公司的通知中说,该行正将合规和管控列为头等大事。

'If you don't acknowledge mistakes, you can't fix them and learn from them,' Mr. Dimon wrote. 'So now, as in the past, we are recognizing our problems, rolling up our sleeves and fixing them.'


Mr. Dimon said J.P. Morgan has added some 4,000 employees dedicated to its control efforts since the beginning of last year, including 3,000 in 2013, and has increased its total spent on controls by about $1 billion this year.


'Never before have we focused so much time, effort, brainpower, technological power and money on a single, enterprise-wide objective,' he wrote. 'Make no mistake -- we are going to get this right.'


The fines and potential criminal charges stem from J.P. Morgan's handling of a series of trades that led to $6 billion in losses for the bank. In a civil settlement expected to be reached this week, regulators in the U.S. and the U.K. are expected to fault J.P. Morgan for deficient internal controls and disclosing incorrect information related to the trades.


It appeared that the settlement would be limited to four regulatory agencies: the Securities and Exchange Commission, the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, the Federal Reserve and the U.K. Financial Conduct Authority. The bank would admit wrongdoing as part of the agreement.

目前看来,和解将仅限于四家监管机构:美国证券交易委员会(Securities and Exchange Commission)、美国货币监理署(Office of the Comptroller of the Currency)、美联储(Federal Reserve)及英国金融行为监管局(Financial Conduct Authority)。作为协议的一部分,摩根大通将承认存在不当行为。

J.P. Morgan in an Aug. 7 securities filing said it is cooperating with a Justice Department investigation into the trading matter.

摩根大通在8月7日提交的证券备案文件中说,正在配合美国司法部(Justice Department)对交易事件的调查。

The CFTC probe centers on a giant trading position that officials believe distorted prices and misled investors, according to people familiar with the matter.


The regulator is focusing on the bank's increasingly aggressive trades made over several months early last year, when it added tens of billions of dollars to its derivatives positions -- contracts tied to investment-grade corporate bonds, people familiar with the matter said. The bank also bet heavily on indexes tied to low-rated bonds, among other complex instruments.


J.P. Morgan's Chief Investment Office held more than 100 credit-derivative instruments, including indexes of derivatives, according to a report by the Senate's Permanent Subcommittee of Investigations, which investigated the trades. One of its biggest positions was in the CDX.NA.IG.9 index, the ninth series of an index tied to investment-grade North American corporate bonds. It was issued in 2007.

据调查相关交易的参议院常设调查委员会(Permanent Subcommittee of Investigations)的一份报告显示,摩根大通首席投资办公室持有逾100个信用衍生工具,其中包括衍生品指数。其最大的头寸之一是CDX.NA.IG.9指数衍生品,这是一个与投资级北美公司债关联的一个指数的第九系列。发行时间是2007年。

According to the Senate report, only 14 banks in the world buy and sell the instruments, and just four U.S. banks account for more than 90% of credit-derivative trading and holdings, with J.P. Morgan 'the largest participant by far.'


By the end of March 2012, J.P. Morgan's Chief Investment Office, which implemented the trades, held an estimated $82 billion position that would benefit if the IG.9 rose in value, over half the total market in the index, according to the Senate report. J.P. Morgan trader Bruno Iksil, dubbed the London whale for his outsize bets, described the position as 'more and more monstrous' in a recorded telephone call, according to the Senate report.

据参议院的报告显示,到2012年3月底,执行相关交易的摩根大通首席投资办公室持有估计820亿美元的IG.9指数衍生品头寸,规模超过该指数衍生品市场总规模的一半多,如果IG.9指数上涨,这些头寸就会获利。报告称,摩根大通交易员、因巨额押注而被称为“伦敦鲸”的伊克西尔(Bruno Iksil)在一个电话录音中称,这个头寸“越来越巨大”。

The CFTC is expected to argue that J.P. Morgan's big move into the index in early 2012 effectively manipulated prices by dramatically increasing the demand for the IG.9, according to people familiar with the matter.


While manipulation cases are difficult to prove, the bar has been lowered by the CFTC's new powers granted under the 2010 Dodd-Frank law. The agency is likely to use those new powers to argue that J.P. Morgan's actions were reckless and, while potentially not intentional, distorted market prices, the people say.


J.P. Morgan is balking at any CFTC settlement that would require it to admit to manipulation, according to a person familiar with the talks.


In exchange for his cooperation in the investigation, prosecutors have agreed not to charge Mr. Iksil with any crimes in connection with the trading loss. A spokeswoman from the U.S. attorney's office declined to comment. Mr. Iskil's lawyer didn't immediately respond to a request for comment.


Last month, U.S. prosecutors charged Julien Grout and Javier Martin-Artajo, two former traders at the bank, with conspiracy and fraud for allegedly covering up the losses in the trades. On Monday, a grand jury indicted both men.

上个月,美国检方指控摩根大通两位前交易员格劳特(Julien Grout)和阿塔霍(Javier Martin-Artajo)为了掩盖交易损失进行共谋和欺诈。周一一个大陪审团对他们提起诉讼。

In a statement, Mr. Grout's attorney, Edward Little, said his client was merely a 'pawn' of higher ups at the bank and did nothing wrong. 'It is easy to get a grand jury to indict anyone for anything,' he said. 'Proving it is an altogether different thing.'

格劳特的律师利特尔(Edward Little)说,他的委托人只是一枚被高层利用的“棋子”,并且没有任何过错。他说,让大陪审团以任何理由起诉任何人都是容易的,而举证则完全是另外一回事了。

A lawyer for Mr. Martin-Artajo declined to comment Tuesday. Last month, Mr. Martin-Artajo's lawyer said his client was confident he would be exonerated once a 'complete and fair reconstruction of these complex events is completed.'


Mr. Grout is in France and Mr. Martin-Artajo is in Spain. Law enforcement officials believe it is unlikely that Mr. Grout will be extradited from France, according to a person briefed on the investigation. There is a higher chance that Spain might extradite Mr. Martin-Artajo, this person said.



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