





华盛顿海军基地发生枪击案 至少13人死亡

发布者: sunnyHU | 发布时间: 2013-10-3 17:20| 查看数: 841| 评论数: 1|

At least 13 people were killed, including a suspected gunman, and others were injured in a shooting spree Monday morning at the U.S. Navy Yard in southeast Washington, city officials said. Authorities said they were searching for another potential shooter.


Law-enforcement officials identified the dead suspected gunman as 34-year-old Aaron Alexis of Fort Worth, Texas, who they said had worked as a civilian contractor for the military. Authorities identified him from fingerprints taken from his body.

执法人员确认死亡的嫌疑人为来自得克萨斯州沃思堡的34岁的阿龙·亚历克西斯(Aaron Alexis)。他们说,亚历克西斯曾是军方的平民承包商雇员。有关部门通过从其尸体上提取的指纹确认了他的身份。

Washington Police Chief Cathy Lanier said Mr. Alexis died in a gun battle with officers.

华盛顿市警察局长拉尼尔(Cathy Lanier)说,亚历克西斯在与警方的交火中死亡。

A U.S. official said Mr. Alexis joined the Navy in 2007, and was kicked out of the military in 2011 as a result of a gun arrest in Fort Worth, Texas. One official said he may have used another person's badge to gain access to the Navy yard.


According to a Fort Worth Police Department report, Mr. Alexis was arrested in September 2010 for discharging a gun in his apartment, sending a bullet into an apartment upstairs. The woman who lived there said Mr. Alexis had complained she had made too much noise, according to the report.


Mr. Alexis told police he had fired the gun accidentally when he was cleaning it. No one was injured and no charges were filed, according to the Tarrant County Criminal District Attorney's Office.


Law-enforcement officials scrambled Monday to apprehend suspects after the shootings began at about 8:30 a.m. at the naval facility located near the U.S. Capitol complex and Washington Nationals stadium.

周一早上8点30分左右,位于美国国会大厦和华盛顿国民队(Washington Nationals)体育场附近的海军基地发生枪击案,随后执法人员立即开始搜捕嫌疑人。

It wasn't immediately known what the motive for the shooting may have been. Two federal officials said it didn't appear the incident had a connection to terrorism.


Initial reports about the shooting said there was one gunman. But Chief Lanier said at a midday news briefing there may be two other suspects in addition to the dead suspect, including a white male in a khaki military uniform and a black male apparently in his 50s wearing an olive military-style uniform. Later, police said the white male had been identified and is 'not a suspect or a person of interest.'


Dozens of police vehicles, ambulances and firetrucks clogged the streets in front of the Navy Yard in response to the shootings, which occurred during Washington's morning rush hour.


Janis Orlowski, chief medical officer at Medstar Washington Hospital Center, said the hospital received three patients with gunshot wounds, all of whom were in critical condition but were alert and responsive. They included a male Washington police officer with multiple gunshot wounds to his legs and two female civilians, one of whom had been shot in the shoulder and the other who had gunshot wounds to her head and hand.

MedStar华盛顿医疗中心(Medstar Washington Hospital Center)首席医疗长奥尔沃夫斯基(Janis Orlowski)说,该院收治了三名受枪伤的伤者,三人都伤势严重,但有意识且能应答。其中包括一名华盛顿男警察,他的腿部多处受枪伤,还有两名女性平民,其中一人肩部受枪伤,另一人头部和手部遭枪击。

'Their chances of survival are very good,' she said.


An official at George Washington University Hospital said one victim died in that hospital after sustaining a 'single gunshot wound to the head.'

乔治·华盛顿大学医院(George Washington University Hospital)的一位管理人员说,有一名伤者头部有一处枪伤,这名伤者后在该院死亡。

The incident put Washington on alert less than a week after the anniversary of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks. U.S. Capitol Police said Capitol Hill was under enhanced security procedures but there was no known threat on the grounds. Security was stepped up at other federal buildings around the city, including near the White House complex.

这一枪击案令华盛顿提高警惕,9.11恐怖袭击周年日目前才过去不到一周。美国国会警察局说,国会山(Capitol Hill)已提高安全戒备,但这样做并不是因为存在已知的威胁。华盛顿周边其他联邦大楼(包括白宫附近的大楼)也提高了安全戒备。

The police response snarled traffic, with the closing of some roads and at least one bridge into the city, the 11th Street bridge over the Anacostia River. The Federal Aviation Administration said Reagan National Airport, located across the Potomac River from downtown Washington, was temporarily closed to outgoing flights but that operations had resumed. Several schools in the area were put under lockdown, a move Washington officials said was done as a precaution.

警方的反应令交通出现拥堵,他们关闭了一些路段以及至少一座通往华盛顿的桥梁――阿纳卡斯蒂亚河上的第11街大桥。联邦航空管理局(Federal Aviation Administration)说,华盛顿市中心附近位于波托马克河对面的里根国家机场(Reagan National Airport)出港航班曾暂时关闭,但后来恢复正常。该地区的几所学校进入一级防范,华盛顿官员说这是一项预防措施。

Lt. Lauren Dempsey, a Navy spokeswoman, said workers inside the complex's building 197 were ordered to remain in place as officials pursued the shooter.

海军发言人登普西(Lt. Lauren Dempsey)说,在官方追捕袭击者的同时,197号大楼内的工作人员被要求呆在原地。

Building 197 is home to Naval Sea Systems Command. About 3,000 people work in the headquarters of the naval unit. The command is in charge of procuring, engineering and building Navy ships and submarines, and is the largest of the five system commands. Overall, the command employs 60,000 people.

197号楼是海军海上系统司令部(Naval Sea Systems Command)所在地。大约有3,000人在这个海军部门的总部工作。该司令部负责军舰和潜艇的采购、工程和建造,并且是五个系统司令部中规模最大的。该司令部总计雇佣了6万人。

A law-enforcement official and a witness at the scene said a gunman walked up to the entrance to the facility and began shooting. The gunman fired on a number of people and then ran into the building, the official and the witness said. Initial reports said that gunman was carrying one or more weapons, including a long gun like a rifle or shotgun.


Hasan Pehlivan, who identified himself as head of machinery and technicians for the Navy, said he was in his office on the second floor of 197 when an alarm went off and employees were told to take shelter. Workers were told that the shooter was on the building's fourth floor, where many of the top officers work.

自称是海军机械和技术部门负责人的佩赫利万(Hasan Pehlivan)说,警报拉响时他正在197号楼的二楼办公室内,员工被要求躲避。工作人员被告知袭击者在大楼的四层,许多高级官员在那里工作。

'People on the fourth floor heard shooting and screaming,' he said after being evacuated from the base. 'They said it sounded like two people shooting back and forth.'


A second Navy employee who asked not to be identified said he was working on the fifth floor when he heard a loud bang in the building. 'It sounded like a table dropping,' he said after wiping his eyes of tears and calling his son to let him know he was safe. 'Then we heard the second one and took off.'


The witness said he heard about six shots in the building before he and other workers got out.


Top counterterrorism officials briefed President Barack Obama several times about the shootings, according to a White House official. Mr. Obama was briefed by Lisa Monaco, the White House senior counterterrorism official, and Alyssa Mastromonaco, the president's deputy chief of staff.

据一位白宫官员说,反恐高级官员就袭击事件向总统奥巴马(President Barack Obama)进行了数次汇报。向奥巴马汇报的人包括白宫高级反恐官员莫纳科(Lisa Monaco)以及总统的副幕僚长马斯特蒙科(Alyssa Mastromonaco)。

Mr. Obama said the shooting was a tragedy and his thoughts and prayers were with those who were injured and killed.


'They're patriots, and they know the dangers of serving abroad, but today they faced the unimaginable violence that they wouldn't have expected here at home,' he said from the White House, where his speech marking the fifth anniversary of the financial crisis was delayed by the shooting.


The president said the U.S. will thoroughly investigate what happened and hold responsible 'whoever carried out this cowardly act.'



kathy 发表于 2015-7-12 12:25:39
Useful, thank you.
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