






发布者: sunnyHU | 发布时间: 2013-10-3 17:22| 查看数: 769| 评论数: 0|

Apple Inc. is widely expected to unveil its next-generation iPhones at an event Tuesday, including a cheaper version that one analyst says could give a boost to the struggling stock price.

外界普遍预期苹果(Apple Inc.)将在周二的发布会上推出下一代iPhone,其中包括一款较便宜的机型。一位分析师说,廉价版iPhone可能会给正在挣扎的苹果股价带来提振。

WSJ has reported Apple is expected to unveil a cheaper model that could come in a variety of colors as well as a new high-end phone. Both those phones are expected to begin shipping from manufacturers in early September.


The low-priced version could be especially crucial to the company's top and bottom lines. Toni Sacconaghi, senior analyst at Sanford C. Bernstein, forecasts the low-end smartphone market will grow to about 900 million units by 2015. His back-of-the-envelop math suggests if Apple could capture 10% of that market share (compared to the 45% share it commands of the high-end market), the company could generate another $30 billion in incremental revenue. And a cheaper iPhone could lead to 'mid-to high-single digit percent' earnings growth in fiscal 2015, he added.

廉价版iPhone对苹果的收入和利润的表现可能尤其重要。Sanford C. Bernstein的高级分析师萨科纳吉(Toni Sacconaghi)预计,低端智能手机市场发货量到2015年将增至9亿部。他的这一粗略预期预示,如果苹果能够获得10%的市场份额(苹果在高端智能手机市场的市场份额为45%),该公司有望获得额外300亿美元的增量收入。他还说,廉价版iPhone可能推动苹果2015财年利润增长4%-9%。

'Our positive investment opinion on Apple is predicated on our belief that innovation continues to persist at the company,' Mr. Sacconaghi said in a note to clients on Monday, 'and that new products can ultimately drive upward revisions and an improved multiple.


'Chief among these new product opportunities is a lower-priced iPhone.'


He expects the cheaper iPhone to be priced around $400, roughly in-line with many of the media reports over the past several risks. 'The higher [average selling price] will lower demand, but also blunts some of the negative gross profit [margin] impact.'


So how does all of that impact Apple's stock price, which despite the recent leg up is still underperforming the broad market for the year. Here's Mr. Sacconaghi's take:


'Apple's stock has historically moved in tandem with earnings revisions. We believe Q4 and FY14 earnings estimates are now at reasonable levels, and note that we (and likely consensus) estimates do not appear to include a lower priced iPhone. Give a favorable estimate outlook backdrop and an attractive valuation...we believe the risk/reward for owning Apple is currently favorable, and rate the stock outperform with a $600 price target.'


Apple shares recently rose 1.6% to $506.32 and are up 28% since the end of June. Even amid the recent rally, the stock remains down 4.9% for the year, compared to a 16% year-to-date rally for the S&P 500.



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