






发布者: sunnyHU | 发布时间: 2013-10-7 19:36| 查看数: 809| 评论数: 0|

The European Commission has made a pig’s ear of its proposed financial transaction tax. But it is not too late to salvage something from the mess and reform taxation in a way that makes the financial system safer and more efficient.

欧盟委员会(European Commission,简称欧委会)拟推出金融交易税,这是一个错误的决定。但在乱局中挽回一些东西、改革税收制度、提高金融系统的安全性和效率,为时还不算太晚。

The latest blow to the commission’s plans came from the European Council’s legal service. The FTT will apply to only 11 of the EU’s 28 member states. The remaining 17, including the UK, decided they did not want to introduce the tax. But the law was drafted in such a way that it still caught some transactions in countries that opted out. The lawyers condemned the FTT’s extraterritorial reach.

欧委会金融交易税计划遭受的最新打击来自欧盟理事会(Council of the European Union)的法律部门。金融交易税将只适用于欧盟(EU) 28个成员国中的11个成员国。其余17国(包括英国)决定不征收该税。但法律草案仍然牵涉到一些非征税国的金融交易。律师们对金融交易税的跨境管辖表示谴责。

But this is not the FTT’s only defect. The tax was partly justified as a way of discouraging banks from engaging in risky activities. But it misses this target because the source of Europe’s financial crisis was banks not financial markets. Indeed, Europe would have a healthier financial system if, like the US, it was less “bankcentric” and more capital market-friendly. Sadly, because of a long-held prejudice, the commission came up with a levy that would gum up markets but not tax banks at all.


The commission may still find some way of rejigging its tax so it is no longer illegal. But it would be better to ditch it and look at better options for taxing the financial system. There are three: a hot money levy; a financial activities tax; and phasing out the tax bias of debt.


First, a hot money levy, otherwise known as a bank levy, would deter banks from relying too much on short-term wholesale funds by taxing their usage. Such money is typically cheaper than deposits but it also vanishes rapidly in a crisis. Indeed, reliance on easy-come-easy-go money was a big reason so many banks needed bailouts five years ago.


About half of the EU’s countries – including Britain, Germany and France – already have some type of bank levy, according to KPMG, the business services company. In the UK, for example, banks have to pay a tax based on the size of their wholesale funding. Long-term borrowing is subject to a lower rate than short-term money.


The snag is that there is a patchwork of different levies. Britain raises £2.5bn a year from its tax. That is about five times as much as France and two and a half times as much as Germany, relative to the size of their banking industries. It is not just that the rates are different; the nature of what is being taxed varies between countries.


Rather than trying to revive the FTT, the commission should try to put some order into different countries’ bank levies. Strict harmonisation would not be necessary. But agreeing common principles and bands within which the tax rate is set would create a more level playing field. It would also be good to encourage more countries to adopt such a tax.


As Dan Neidle, a tax partner at Clifford Chance, the law firm, puts it: “The bank levy is a workable tax but the FTT isn’t.”

如高伟绅律师事务所(Clifford Chance)税务部合伙人丹·尼德尔(Dan Neidle)所说:“银行税是可行的,金融交易税不可行。”

Second, the commission should look again at a financial activities tax, best known by its acronym: Fat. The financial services industry is currently exempt from value added tax. In an ideal world, it would be treated like any other industry. But for technical reasons it is tricky to apply VAT to finance.

其次,欧委会应当再次考虑金融活动税(financial activities tax,缩写为Fat)。金融服务业目前不用缴纳增值税。理想的情况下,它应得到与其他行业同等的待遇。但出于一些技术原因,对金融业征收增值税并非易事。

The Fat would tax a bank’s earnings and the money it pays employees – on the theory that the sum of these is value added by another name. Taxing bank profits and bankers’ earnings would be popular. But it would only be worth doing if it had international support. Otherwise, those countries imposing such a tax would put their banks at a disadvantage to those that do not.


Finally, the commission should look at ways to remove the tax bias of debt. In most countries, companies can deduct interest payments before calculating the profit that is subject to corporation tax. But they cannot do the same for dividends. This gives companies an incentive to leverage themselves up – which then makes them and the whole economy vulnerable to shocks. The three main culprits in the most recent financial crisis were banks, property developers and private equity groups.


One solution to this problem would be to phase out the tax-deductibility of interest payments and make compensating cuts in corporation tax rates, so the taxman does not take more money from companies. Such a reform would give banks and other companies a bigger incentive to rely on equity rather than debt. Again, it would be best to make this change on an international level if possible.


These three reforms are not mutually exclusive. They would all improve the financial system, unlike the commission’s misguided FTT.


The writer is editor at large at Reuters News


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