






发布者: sunnyHU | 发布时间: 2013-10-7 19:39| 查看数: 722| 评论数: 0|

Goldman Sachs has put four senior technology specialists on leave after an embarrassing trading glitch that is likely to cost the bank tens of millions of dollars.

在可能导致高盛(Goldman Sachs)损失数千万美元的一次令人尴尬的交易故障之后,高盛已经要求四名高级技术专家休假。

The decision to place the employees on administrative leave was made following last Tuesday’s trading error, according to a person familiar with the events. A Goldman spokesman declined to comment on internal personnel matters at the bank.


Goldman last week accidentally sent thousands of orders for options contracts to exchanges operated by NYSE Euronext, Nasdaq OMX and the CBOE, after a systems upgrade that went awry. The faulty orders roiled options markets in the opening 17 minutes of the day’s trading and sparked reviews of the transactions.

上周,在一次系统升级出错之后,高盛意外地向纽约泛欧交易所集团(NYSE Euronext)和纳斯达克-OMX集团(Nasdaq OMX)旗下交易所以及芝加哥期权交易所(CBOE)发出数千份期权合约交易指令。这些错误的指令在当天开盘17分钟内扰乱了期权市场,并引发了对交易的审核。

The bank’s trading malfunction was the latest in a string of technology failures on Wall Street and came just two days before Nasdaq, the second-biggest stock exchange in the US, experienced an unprecedented three-hour outage.


Goldman has not disclosed how much money it lost in Tuesday’s incident but the trading error probably cost it less than the $100m initially estimated by some market participants, after exchanges opted to void many of the transactions.


About 80 per cent of the mistaken contracts sent to the NYSE were cancelled, one person familiar with the matter said. “Neither the risk nor the potential loss is material to the financial condition of the firm,” a spokesman for the investment bank said last week, when it emerged that Goldman was behind the trading glitch that upset the wider options market.


Despite having little impact on Goldman’s bottom line, the trading error has provoked a strong reaction within the bank.


The Financial Times reported last week that officials from the US Securities and Exchange Commission were scrutinising Goldman’s systems malfunction.



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