






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2013-10-11 09:03| 查看数: 716| 评论数: 0|

Pilots of an Asiana Airlines Inc. 020560.SE -2.10% jet that crashed while trying to land in San Francisco are offering an account that differs from the preliminary findings of U.S. investigators, people familiar with the investigation said.

据了解调查情况的人士说,对于今年7月6日韩亚航空(Asiana Airlines Inc.)客机在旧金山失事的原因,飞行员提供了与美国调查人员得出的初步调查结果不同的说法。

The pilots have told the National Transportation Safety Board that an in-flight malfunction of an automated speed-control system was a major factor in the fatal accident on July 6, these people said.

上述知情人士说,飞行员们对美国国家运输安全委员会(National Transportation Safety Board)说,飞行途中一个自动速度控制系统出现故障,这是造成7月6日严重事故的一个主要原因。

So far safety-board investigators haven't uncovered any mechanical or electrical problems with the twin-engine jet prior to impact, these people said. Instead, the NTSB is focused on why the three pilots in the cockpit didn't adequately monitor the approach and failed to check airspeed until it was too late.


The pilots, according to these people, have told U.S. investigators they believe an automated speed-control system, called auto-throttles, disconnected on its own, allegedly without any warning to the crew, shortly before the Boeing 777 slowed dangerously then slammed into a sea wall in front of a runway at San Francisco International Airport and broke apart.

据上述知情人士说,这三名飞行员对美国调查人员说,他们认为一个被称为“自动油门”的自动速度控制系统自行断开,据说没有向机组人员发出任何警报,之后不久这架波音777客机速度降至危险水平,随后撞到旧金山国际机场(San Francisco International Airport)一条跑道前的防波堤并解体。

NTSB officials previously said the cockpit crew 'assumed the auto-throttle was maintaining speed,' but investigators also suggested the pilots may have failed to activate it correctly.


''Armed' does not mean 'active,'' acting safety board Chairman Deborah Hersman said during an on-site news conference in July. When pilots rely on such automation to adjust engine thrust during landings, she said at the time, 'a big key is to monitor' the system and keep close track of aircraft speed.

美国国家运输安全委员会代理主席赫斯曼(Deborah Hersman)今年7月在失事现场举行的新闻发布会上说,“配备了”并不意味着“启动了”。她当时说,飞机着陆过程中飞行员依靠这类自动系统调整引擎推力时,关键的一点是要对该系统进行监控,密切注意飞行速度。

The pilots' statements-along with details of Asiana 777 maintenance logs showing a number of 'uncommanded auto-throttle disconnects'-are part of the arguments Asiana officials intend to make during a planned visit to the NTSB later this year, according to people familiar with the details. The carrier may raise the same issue at a public hearing on the crash the board plans to hold early next year. The NTSB is in charge of the accident probe.


Officials at Asiana and a special South Korean government committee investigating the crash declined to comment. An NTSB spokeswoman couldn't be reached.


But according to people familiar with the status of the probe, the pilots' comments are the most detailed effort by the airline so far to explain why an experienced crew may have been lulled into a false sense of confidence.


Three people were killed and dozens were injured in the high-profile accident, which prompted debate over Asiana's training practices and operations. In the wake of the crash, which destroyed the aircraft, Asiana promised the South Korean government it would enhance training for aviators, update its data on airports with difficult approaches and move to ensure better communication in the cockpit.



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