






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2013-10-11 10:03| 查看数: 892| 评论数: 0|

Young people across China are increasingly shunning monotonous, low-paid assembly-line jobs, leaving Foxconn, the maker of iPhones and iPads, struggling to attract enough workers, the electronics manufacturer’s chairman says.


Terry Gou, founder of the company that is China’s largest private employer, says that he is upgrading Foxconn’s training programmes and automating more of its assembly lines in the face of a labour shortage.

中国民营领域最大雇主的创始人郭台铭(Terry Gou)称,面对劳工短缺的局面,他正在改进富士康的训练计划,并提高装配线的自动化程度。

“The young generation don’t want to work in factories, they want to work in services or the internet or another more easy and relaxed job,” he said on the sidelines of a meeting of Asian business and political leaders in Bali, Indonesia.


“Many workers are moving to the services sector and, in the manufacturing sector, total demand [for workers] is now more than supply.”


Foxconn, also known as Hon Hai Precision Industries, has come under fire for its treatment of workers following a string of employees’ suicides in 2010, but has since improved working conditions and significantly raised wages.

富士康又名鸿海精密(Hon Hai Precision Industries)。2010年发生一连串雇员自杀事件后,该公司对工人的待遇曾受到抨击,但自那以来该公司已改善劳动条件,并显著提高了薪资。

The latest shortages also come despite Foxconn, which employs more than 1m people in China, having spent the past three years moving its factories from coastal cities such as Shenzhen to inland provinces where labour is cheaper and thought to be plentiful.


In response, Mr Gou said yesterday the group would diversify into non-manufacturing work. About 90 per cent of Taipei-based Foxconn’s business in China comes from exports of electronic goods. Mr Gou wants to cut that to 55-60 per cent by selling more products to the local market and creating jobs in sales, servicing and ecommerce.


Should Foxconn be successful, it would alleviate analysts’ concerns about its reliance on low-margin manufacturing for foreign brands such as Apple, Dell and Sony.


Foxconn is also trying to move away from its focus on low-cost labour elsewhere in the world, such as in Indonesia, where it has been in talks with the government for more than a year to open a factory producing goods for Southeast Asia’s biggest economy.


While Foxconn has been lobbying the government for tax and other incentives, as it has typically received when expanding within China and elsewhere, Indonesian officials have been pushing it to invest in research and technology to ensure that it does not just take advantage of wages that are as much as 50 per cent cheaper than in China.


“We promise not just to come to leverage cheap labour,” said Mr Gou, who expects the first factory to open next year. “We want to transplant technology to [Indonesia].”



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