






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2013-10-11 10:33| 查看数: 703| 评论数: 0|

Office workers huddle at their windows, peering down in disbelief. Thousands of protesters are marching along São Paulo’s main Paulista Avenue, beckoning to them and chanting: “Vem pra rua, vem!” (“Come to the street, come!”)

办公室职员们挤在窗户前,吃惊地看着下面。数千名沿着圣保罗的主街——保利斯达大道(Paulista Avenue)游行的抗议者,正向着他们挥手并不断高喊着:“上街来吧,来吧!”

The slogan has become one of the few elements uniting the disparate groups that have taken to the streets in more than 100 cities across Brazil this month. The protest movement has caught the rest of the world by surprise, not to mention Brazilians themselves.


“That phrase actually comes from a Fiat commercial,” explains Sophia Montero, an 18-year-old student, brandishing a neon pink banner condemning evangelists’ attempts to pass a bill to “cure” homosexuality. “Everyone has been watching the advert on television at home so we started using it. Protesting is still very new for us, so . . . ” She is cut off when a friend pulls her out of the way of another group, this time campaigning against proposals to limit the investigative powers of public prosecutors. Among their banners is another activists’ favourite: “O gigante acordou” (“The giant woke up”), made popular by a 2011 Johnnie Walker commercial.

一位现年18岁的学生索菲亚•蒙特罗(Sophia Montero)挥舞着一面粉红色的旗子,抗议福音传教士推动通过“治疗”同性恋的法案的努力。她解释称:“这句话实际上来自菲亚特(Fiat)的广告。所有人都在家里的电视上看到过这则广告。因此我们开始用它做口号。抗议对我们来说仍非常新鲜,因此……”,话还没说完,一位朋友就打断了她,把她拉开,省得挡了另一支游行队伍的路。那群人抗议的是限制联邦检察官调查权的法案。他们的旗子上也有一句维权人士喜欢的口号:“巨人不再沉睡”——这句话因出自2011年尊尼获加(Johnnie Walker)的一则广告而变得家喻户晓。

Through no effort of their own, Italy’s Fiat and UK-based Diageo, owner of the Johnnie Walker whisky brand, have become unofficial sponsors of Brazil’s biggest protests since the impeachment of President Fernando Collor de Mello in 1992.

意大利的菲亚特和总部位于英国的帝亚吉欧(Diageo)自己没有出一丝力,就成了自1992年巴西自费尔南多•科洛尔•德梅洛(Fernando Collor de Mello)总统遭弹劾以来最大规模抗议活动的非官方赞助商。帝亚吉欧旗下拥有尊尼获加威士忌品牌。

But is the free advertising worth it? Although the protests have largely been seen in a positive light, the volatile movement has also claimed four lives and led to sporadic looting and vandalism.


The subversion of ads, so-called subvertising, is common among political activists worldwide. But Brazil’s protesters have taken an unusual route, co-opting the popular ad slogans to rally support for unrelated causes. It is an indication, sociologists say, both of excessive consumerism and political alienation.


“Many protesters don’t have any connection to political parties, so they borrow the messages from the world they are immersed in – and for the past few years that has been a world of consumption,” says Dennis de Oliveira, a media professor at Brazil’s USP university.

巴西南太平洋大学(USP)的传媒学教授丹尼斯•德奥利韦拉(Dennis de Oliveira)表示:“许多抗议者与政治党派没有任何关系,因此他们从自己熟悉的世界借用信息,而过去几年里,巴西社会一直是一个消费的世界。”

Fiat, Brazil’s most popular carmaker accounting for 23 per cent of new car and light-vehicle sales, launched its “Vem pra rua” campaign last month as part of its most expensive marketing project in the Latin American country this year. Analysts estimate it cost the company at least R$20m ($9m).


Aired just before Brazil kicked off the Confederations Cup, the warm-up for the football World Cup next year, the commercial shows fans taking to the streets to celebrate the victory of the Brazilian national team. “Come to the street, because the street is the biggest football stand in Brazil” go the lyrics to the catchy soundtrack.

这则广告刚好在巴西联合会杯(Confederations Cup)开幕之前播出,展示给走上街头庆祝巴西国家足球队取得胜利的球迷们。“上街来吧,因为街道是巴西最大的足球看台”的歌词琅琅上口。联合会杯是明年即将在巴西举行的世界杯足球赛的热身赛。

It was widely seen as a cunning way of cashing in on Brazil’s football mega-events without paying Fifa, the tournament’s organising body, to be an official sponsor. Then Brazilians took Fiat’s “call to the streets” literally. Over the past two weeks, more than 140 Facebook groups called “Vem pra rua” have sprung up, while the hashtag #vemprarua has become a generic protest reference on Twitter.


Simple and inclusive, the phrase has resonated with Brazil’s first-time activists, for whom the act of protest itself may be as important as their particular cause.


Fiat took the commercial off air at the weekend. The company said this was always the plan, but remained evasive about when, or if, its “Vem pra rua” slogan would return. “The campaign’s focus is solely and exclusively the joy and passion of football,” the carmaker emphasised.


“For Fiat, the risks of being linked to the movement far outweigh any benefits,” says Marcello Queiroz, editor in chief of Jornal Propmark, an advertising and marketing magazine. The politicisation of football, with violent clashes with riot police during Confederations Cup games and protesters’ criticism of stadium costs and even football stars, has made Fiat’s positioning of itself as a quasi-sponsor of the tournament untenable, he says.

广告和营销杂志《Jornal Propmark》主编马尔塞洛•凯罗斯(Marcello Queiroz)表示:“对菲亚特来说,这场活动带来的相关风险远远超过获得的好处。”他称,足球政治化,加上在联合会杯比赛期间与防暴警察的暴力冲突以及抗议者对场馆成本甚至足球明星的批评,使菲亚特无法将自己定位为该赛事的准赞助商。

Diageo’s Johnnie Walker faces fewer risks. While the brand has also tried to distance itself from the protests, its association with the “The giant woke up” slogan has always been less explicit, says Mr Queiroz.


The commercial, which shows Rio de Janeiro’s famous landscape morphing into a giant who wakes up and starts walking, is a play on the depiction of Brazil in the national anthem as a giant “resting eternally”. “The giant is no longer asleep – keep walking, Brazil!” is the ad’s tag line. Launched in 2011, the slogan captured the period of optimism after the economy’s impressive 7.5 per cent growth in 2010.


For protesters, though, it represents the people’s political awakening. As one Twitter user put it: “Watch out because the giant is awake! If you don’t stop corruption, we’ll stop Brazil!” Corruption has become a particularly emotive subject after senior members of the ruling Workers’ party (PT) received jail sentences last year for a vote-buying scandal in Congress. They remain free, pending appeals.

然而,对抗议者来说,它代表着人民在政治上的觉醒。正如一位Twitter用户所言:“当心,因为巨人已经觉醒!如果你们继续腐败下去,我们将给巴西刹车!”在执政党劳工党(Workers' Party)数位资深党员去年因在国会“买票”丑闻而被判刑之后,腐败已经成为特别容易引起民愤的话题。这些人如今依然自由,正等待上诉。

Rafael Alcadipani, at the Getulio Vargas Foundation, an academic institution, says Brazilians’ disenchantment with the political system as a whole is evident from the fact that protesters opted for commercial slogans in the first place. “It is a clear sign of the failure of traditional politics,” he says, a point echoed by President Dilma Rousseff during a speech on Friday when she spoke of the need to re-engage Brazil’s young population and “oxygenise” government.

学术机构图利奥•瓦尔加斯基金会(Getulio Vargas Foundation)的拉斐尔•阿尔卡迪帕尼(Rafael Alcadipani)表示,巴西人对整个政治体系的幻想破灭,在抗议者从一开始就使用商业广告的现象中得到了证明。他表示:“这是传统政治失败的明显迹象。”巴西总统迪尔玛•罗塞夫(Dilma Rousseff)在演讲中也表达了相同的观点,当时她谈到有必要重新接触巴西年轻一代并为政府“充氧”。

After a decade of rapid consumer growth it is no surprise protesters look for inspiration from ad campaigns, but the protests are also an expression of malaise over this consumer-led model of development, says Mr Alcadipani. Cars, washing mach­ines and flatscreen TVs are no longer enough: Brazilians want better public services and better government.


Fiat’s slogan is a case in point. While the carmaker has become a household name because of a boom in vehicle sales, its slogan was initially used by protesters this month to campaign for fewer cars and better public transport. “Fiat is part of the problem in this sense but protesters don’t seem to make this association,” says Leandro Leal, a freelance copyrighter in São Paulo. “Brazil’s model of social inclusion has been one that prioritises consumption, so instead of encouraging drivers to use public transport we have given credit to the poor so they can buy cars,” he says.

菲亚特的口号就说明了这一点。当这家汽车制造商因销量大增而成为家喻户晓的品牌之际,抗议者开始使用其口号来呼吁减少小汽车使用和改善公共交通。圣保罗的自由撰稿人莱昂德罗•利尔(Leandro Leal)表示:“从这个意义上说,菲亚特本身也有问题,但抗议者似乎没有想到这一点。”他表示:“巴西的社会包容模式一直是以消费为重点,因此我们向穷人提供信贷以便让他们能够买车,而不是鼓励驾车人使用公共交通。”

But while the “giant” is now awake and on the streets, it may be some time before it shakes off its addiction to shopping. Hardware stores across the country have been offering “protest kits” for as much as R$240, with top-of-the-range gas masks.


“I’ve never seen anything like this in Brazil,” says Edwin Portal, a Peruvian who moved to São Paulo 20 years ago. He now spends his days chasing protesters to sell them R$25 flags while his friend struggles to keep up, pushing along a cart of soft drinks and beer.

20年前搬到圣保罗的秘鲁人埃德温•波特尔(Edwin Portal)表示:“以前我在巴西从未见过这样的事情。”他曾每天向抗议者推销售价25雷亚尔的旗帜,同时他的朋友推着一小车软饮料和啤酒,努力地跟在后面……


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