






发布者: sunnyHU | 发布时间: 2013-10-11 19:16| 查看数: 887| 评论数: 0|

Barack Obama had an eventful presidency. He came into office during the worst financial crisis in three generations, helped stabilise the American economy, oversaw healthcare reform, pulled the US out of two wars, gave the order to kill Osama bin Laden, won the Nobel Prize, hosted some state dinners and played some golf. Many occupants of the Oval office boast a lot less. But unless something major changes, his presidency is stalled.

巴拉克·奥巴马(Barack Obama)迄今经历了繁忙的总统任期。他在三代人未遇的最严重金融危机期间上任,帮助稳定了美国经济,领导了医疗改革,让美国从两场战争中脱身,下令杀死奥萨马·本·拉登(Osama bin Laden),获得诺贝尔奖,举办了几场国宴,还打了几场高尔夫。许多入主白宫的总统可以夸耀的事情远比他少。但是,除非出现重大变化,否则奥巴马的总统任期已陷入一筹莫展的境地。

As the events of recent months have weakened the president, revealed his weaknesses and shown deep flaws in the US political system, Mr Obama now runs the risk of becoming a lame duck very prematurely. Of course, he remains powerful. Some external event – a war, a disaster, a foreign upset or opportunity, or a major misstep by his opponents in the US – could restore life to his presidency. But barring a sea-change, he may achieve little more than he already has.


Recent events illustrate the situation and offer clues as to the reasons behind it. Mr Obama began the year with modest aspirations. Hoping that his 2012 election victory had given him a mandate, he sought to advance a limited agenda: immigration reform, resolving budget problems, perhaps some corporate tax changes and investment in infrastructure. Internationally, his goals were even simpler: get out of the wars he inherited and keep us out of trouble. He has faltered in almost all areas of this agenda.


Is Mr Obama to blame? The president cannot be held responsible for America’s poisonous politics. After the election he seemed to acknowledge the criticism that he had failed to reach out to Congress. He made an effort. It seemed sincere – even if it did underscore his uneasiness with backroom congressional politics. But he hit pushback. The fiscal deal that was engineered at the beginning of the new term ended up ensuring conflict over deficits, sequestration and the budget. This illustrated and compounded the partisan problems that have made the last Congress the least productive since the 1940s. The fact that Congress has become so split – a place where ideas and initiatives go to die – has had a broader effect. The withdrawal this week of Lawrence Summers from the race to be chair of the Federal Reserve, rather than face the legislators, is the latest example.

奥巴马应该受到指责吗?他不能对美国政坛的有毒气氛负责。在大选结束后,他似乎承认自己未能主动争取国会合作。他做出了努力。这种努力似乎是认真的,即便它的确突显出他对国会幕后政治的不自在。但他遭遇了阻力。在他的第二任期伊始设计的财政协议,最终导致他领导的政府和国会在赤字、自动减支和预算上发生冲突。这表明并加重了两党对立的问题——这些问题让上一届国会成为自上世纪40年代以来成效最低的国会。国会如此分裂的事实(国会实际上成了埋葬构想和倡议的地方)产生了更广泛的影响。最近劳伦斯·萨默斯(Lawrence Summers)决定退出角逐美联储(Fed)主席,而不是面对国会议员们,就是最新的例子。

Mr Obama’s notion of intervening in Syria has also been undone by perceived resistance in Congress – and, admittedly, among the American people. The result is a diplomatic dance with Moscow that may leave the perpetrators of chemical weapons attacks in place and Mr Obama weakened. Again, not all of the blame for this can be placed at the door of the Oval office. But the president does bear some responsibility.


At home he has not been a leader of his party, proving to be more a product of the era of divide and politicise than he is an antidote to it. Internationally, he has vacillated, often appearing to take both sides and adding to the appearance of US weakness. At the same time, he alienated others with a policy of drones and a new breed of cyber imperialism that seems to claim that all data worldwide is America’s to take and do with what we please.


Now, with midterm elections next year and the 2016 presidential candidates already testing campaign speeches in primary states, Mr Obama’s time and leverage are running out. Arrogance and ambivalence have undercut the promise of Mr Obama’s oratory and, indeed, of his earnest, intelligent, seemingly good character. Flashes of promise have been subsumed by circumstances, by his opponents and by the president’s own inability to build upon them. This hints at perhaps Mr Obama’s greatest problem.


He was such a convincing campaigner with such a great personal story that our expectations were set unreasonably high. In the end, he may prove an old maxim of US politics. The people vote hoping for the brilliance of a George Washington or Abraham Lincoln. But in the end, most of the time they get a Rutherford B Hayes – leaders who failed to live up to the aspirations of the voters or their times.

当年他是一个如此令人信服的竞选高手,拥有精彩的个人故事,以至于我们对他产生了高得不合理的预期。最终,他可能验证了美国政治的古老箴言。选民们希望选出像乔治·华盛顿(George Washington)或者亚伯拉罕·林肯(Abraham Lincoln)那样优秀的总统。但最终,他们大多数时候选上来的是拉瑟福德·伯查德·海斯(Rutherford Birchard Hayes)那样不能实现选民或时代抱负的领导人。

The writer is CEO and editor-at-large of Foreign Policy Magazine, and a former Clinton administration official


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