






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2013-10-15 08:30| 查看数: 663| 评论数: 0|

Will emerging markets make a comeback in 2014? It may seem unlikely given the losses seen during the summer, but some strategists and fund managers think so.


Investor nervousness sparked by the US government shutdown and looming debt ceiling have capped the gains of stocks, bonds and currencies in the developing world, but September was nonetheless a positive month for most markets.


And many analysts have turned “tactically bullish” on emerging markets since the Federal Reserve last month unexpectedly delayed its decision to taper monetary stimulus, predicting healthy gains once the uncertainty is lifted.

上个月,美联储(Federal Reserve)出乎意料地决定暂缓退出货币刺激政策,导致很多分析师对新兴市场转持“技术性看多”观点,并预计新兴市场将在不确定性消除后健康上行。

Nonetheless, some money managers and economists spy worrying storm clouds on the distant horizon, which could make this summer’s “taper tantrum” seem like a spring breeze.


The debate on how and when QE will end is arguably a distraction from the more important fact that at some point the Fed will lift its actual benchmark interest rate.


Moreover, China’s long boom is likely to fizzle out as Beijing attempts to rebalance its economy away from exports and debt-fuelled investments.


Individually, both rate increases and slowing Chinese growth represent big challenges to the developing world. Together, they have the potential to trouble almost every country, and create severe problems in some. “It’s a really combustible situation,” argues Stephen Jen, of SLJ Macro Partners, a hedge fund. “They are all vulnerable.”

单独来看,美联储加息以及中国经济增长放缓都对新兴市场构成了巨大挑战。当这两者叠加在一起时,能对几乎所有国家构成潜在威胁,并在某些国家引发严重的问题。对冲基金SLJ Macro Partners的任永力(Stephen Jen)表示:“当前的形势称得上是一触即发。很多国家都非常脆弱。”

Historically, US rate in-creases have often caused or contributed to painful emerging market crashes, including a wave of government bankruptcies in Latin America in the 1980s, Mexico’s “Tequila Crisis” in 1994 and the Asian financial crisis in the late 1990s.


Scarred by these debacles, many countries have radically reformed their economies and reinforced financial defences. The crucial question is whether they have done enough to prevent history repeating. This time could be different, but many experts are perturbed that the mere hint of an end to QE, back in May, produced such turmoil. What could happen when rates are actually lifted?


“If you have heart palpitations merely from walking up some steps, you’re really going to struggle when you have to start jogging,” says Kenneth Rogoff, professor of economics at Harvard.

哈佛大学(Harvard University)经济学教授肯尼斯•罗格夫(Kenneth Rogoff)表示:“如果你不过爬了几级台阶就心跳不止,当你开始慢跑的时候,就会实实在在地大吃苦头。”

Given the huge influence of the US in the global economy, Fed rate increases are likely to increase borrowing costs in many other nations. They will also probably cause the US dollar to appreciate.


In the past a stronger dollar has proven particularly hazardous to the health of developing countries.


Many pegged their currencies to the dollar, and most of their debts were denominated in the US currency, a phenomenon known as the “original sin” of emerging markets. Original sin has receded significantly over the past decade. But there are still countries that will be pained by a rising dollar.


Some are still weighed down by dollar debt piles, not least less-developed states that do not have local debt markets to tap. But the primary concern is the private sector.


While many governments have abstained from dollar borrowing, since 2007 companies and banks have issued over $1.2tn of bonds – a splurge the International Monetary Fund has noted with concern.


Companies with big international debts can fail in times of stress, hurting local banks and eventually the country itself.


“If short-term rates go up then just sell everything,” says one senior EM strategist. “I’m sorry, but that’s fatal. There is no escape.”


Many investors are unconcerned, and argue most countries can comfortably handle any problems. Jan Dehn, head of research at Ashmore, argues it is “ridiculous” to think that emerging markets are more vulnerable to rising rates than developed countries. “Emerging markets aren’t leveraged to the hilt like the US and Europe,” he points out.

很多投资者对此并不担心,并认为绝大多数国家都可以轻松应对所有问题。安石投资(Ashmore Investment)的研究主管简•德恩(Jan Dehn)表示,认为新兴市场相对于发达国家更易受美联储加息冲击的想法“非常荒谬”。他指出:“新兴市场并不像美国和欧洲那样将财务杠杆用到了极致。”

But there is another risk lurking in the background that the developing world has not had to contend with in the past: China.


China’s economic miracle has been a boon for much of the developing world. But after several buoyant decades, the Asian behemoth is slowing down.


Growth is likely to decelerate further in the future as Beijing attempts to rebalance its economy away from exports and investment and towards domestic demand. So far, economists are still pencilling in fairly benign forecasts for China in the coming years.


The IMF believes growth will only slow to 7.3 per cent in 2014. But some observers are gloomier.


Michael Pettis, a finance professor at Peking University widely followed for his blunt predictions on China, argues growth is about to decelerate sharply and will hit 3 per cent before the end of the decade.

北京大学(Peking University)金融学教授迈克尔•佩蒂斯(Michael Pettis)指出,中国经济增速即将显著放缓,到2020年以前将降至3%。对于中国经济直言不讳的大胆预测使佩蒂斯受到了广泛关注。

“Higher interest rates would be a big danger, but the biggest danger is China,” argues Paul McNamara of GAM, an asset manager.

资产管理公司GAM的保罗•麦克纳马拉(Paul McNamara)指出:“利率上升将成为一大风险因素。但最大的风险仍然是中国。”


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