






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2013-10-16 09:00| 查看数: 1064| 评论数: 1|

Sometimes the most mundane issues are the really important ones. For example, how do entrepreneurs actually spend their time? What do they do all day?


One thing is for sure: leaders need to be as good at time management as they are at staff management. They must understand the difference between urgent and important. And they have to know how to prioritise ruthlessly.


Some bosses are ingenious at doing the minimum but making sure they maximise efficiency. Gerry Robinson, former chief executive of Granada, the television company, and now an onscreen star, was celebrated for never working late or cancelling holidays. He hired well, delegated and picked his targets carefully.

一些老板善于做得最少,却保证效率最高。曾担任电视公司Granada首席执行官、现在是影视明星的加里•罗宾逊(Gerry Robinson)以从不加班或取消休假闻名。他精心招聘,仔细分配任务和选择目标。

That rather contrasts with my philosophy, which has generally been that the harder you work, the more successful you are. The trouble with this approach is that work can seep into the rest of your life – evenings, weekends and vacations. If your obsession with business becomes too extreme, then you become exhausted and a workaholic. I prefer managers who are genuine grafters but who also have a hinterland – not an easy trick to pull off.


Perhaps the first activity any founder must undertake is to have the idea. I frequently meet would-be entrepreneurs who do not know what business to start. I recommend that they find a partner with a plan – or copy someone else, but with a twist. And they should remain the champion of the concept, exhibiting a creator’s pride and passion to everyone – staff, customers, suppliers and the media.


Hence most leaders must be promoters – always selling. In this they should lead from the front. Their audience is not simply people who might buy their goods: it includes potential recruits and shareholders. Many schemes never gain traction because the founders cannot raise finance. Meanwhile, lots of second-rate ideas obtain backing thanks to brilliantly charismatic leaders who persuade financiers to support their venture – even when it is a bad bet.


The wisest investors, such as Warren Buffett, know that business is about capital allocation. So the best managers think about this task very hard indeed. They analyse deeply which projects to back and which to forget, which companies to buy, and which products to launch.

沃伦•巴菲特(Warren Buffett)等最聪明的投资者知道,企业与资本配置有关。因此最好的管理者实际上非常认真地考虑资本配置问题。他们深入分析支持什么项目,放弃什么项目,收购什么公司,以及推出什么产品。

Senior hiring and firing should be carried out at the top, so bosses spend much of their time doing interviews. Employing the best individuals and referencing them thoroughly is key for any founder.


A boss must be a spokesperson, so critical media relations should be handled by the leader. Similarly, senior government and regulatory figures must be dealt with by the CEO. And if there is a sophisticated board of non-executive directors and a chair, then the CEO must devote time to them too. High-level industry networking is also part of the remit.


Some entrepreneurs I know like to meet face-to-face. Others feel no such compulsion and spend most of their time on the phone or emailing. Either method works: I like to meet people initially, to get to know them, but much of the time other forms of communication are essential to boost productivity.


Meetings themselves can be black holes of time. Internal meetings are often the worst. And meeting effectiveness is usually inversely proportional to the number of attendees. One reason large institutions can be cumbersome and bureaucratic is that their meetings are too large. By contrast, owner-driven organisations tend to have smaller, punchier gatherings, which allow for swifter decisions.


I like morning meetings, when everyone is fresher – they avoid the post-lunch slump. And I like meetings that deal with the big issues first, rather than coming to them later when all those around the table are tired and bored.


Not many entrepreneurs are great listeners, but those who have that skill are frequently the most impressive. They learn more. And I like bosses who are always well-informed about their market and competition – never too arrogant to copy rivals, and modest enough to understand that there is always room for improvement.


My favourite entrepreneurs are well-organised but not perfectionists. They see the big picture and do not fritter away energy on trivia. They juggle the multiple calls on their time well, and know what matters.



lsjia2008 发表于 2014-1-10 16:14:15
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