






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2013-10-16 11:00| 查看数: 828| 评论数: 0|

George Osborne on Sunday announced that the Beijing Construction Engineering Group had entered the £800m project to redevelop Manchester airport as the chancellor kicked off his five-day tour of China.

英国财政大臣乔治•奥斯本(George Osborne)周日宣布,北京建工集团(Beijing Construction Engineering Group)已参与重新开发曼彻斯特机场的8亿英镑项目。奥斯本开始对中国进行为期5天的访问。

BCEG will join Carillion and the Greater Manchester Pension Fund to build a business district at the airport. It is the first of a series of deals that the chancellor is expected to unveil on a visit that Britain hopes will unlock a wave of Chinese investment in UK infrastructure.

北京建工集团将与Carillion和大曼彻斯特养老基金(Greater Manchester Pension Fund)一起在曼彻斯特机场建设一个商业区。这是奥斯本预计在访华期间宣布的一系列协议中的首个协议——英国希望此次访问将掀起中国投资英国基础设施的浪潮。

Mr Osborne is also expected to sign a deal allowing a state-owned Chinese company to build nuclear power stations in the UK and have its reactor design approved by British regulators. Under the deal, the government will give its backing to Chinese General Nuclear Power Group entering EDF’s planned new nuclear plant at Hinkley Point.

外界还预计,奥斯本将签署一项允许一家中国国有企业在英国建造核电站的协议,并推动其核反应堆设计获得英国监管机构的批准。按照该协议规定,英国政府将支持中国广核集团(China General Nuclear Power Group, CGN)参与法国电力公司(EDF)在欣克利角(Hinkley Point)建设新核电站的项目。

State-owned BCEG is investing £12m for a 20 per cent equity stake in the airport joint venture. The showcase project could help it win other high-margin construction contracts in developed countries.


“We interact with virtually every large company in each sector here as well as some of the strong commercial companies, so we can promote this project and promote Manchester so as to bring more Chinese companies to Manchester, either as investors or to do business,” said Xing Yan, who heads BCEG’s international business.


BCEG is backed by the state-owned Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, the world’s biggest bank. Mr Osborne pitched the deal as evidence that his government wanted to spread investment across the UK.


“I am determined that Britain does not repeat the mistakes of the past that saw investment and growth only concentrated in the City of London, important as it is; but instead to make sure investment from China flows to all parts of the country. Our economic plan is about securing a recovery for all parts of the country,” said Mr Osborne.


China’s stake in the new Airport City “enterprise zone” in Manchester will be one of the country’s biggest investments in the UK outside London. The project will transform 150 acres of scrubland and parking into 5m sq ft of offices, shops and parkland, creating an estimated 16,000 jobs in the next 15 years.



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