






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2013-10-17 11:30| 查看数: 1818| 评论数: 1|

In the fashion business, faux pas can be costly. In order to hem back the risk, some retailers are increasingly turning to trend forecasting.


For an average annual fee of $7,000 to $15,000, customers get access to forward forecasts of fashion trends and data offering ideas for colors, fabrics and cuts, often broken into categories like 'industrial' and 'aquatic'.


The forecasting companies offer analysis of fashion shows, data on the current market offerings and -- for an added fee -- bespoke research and consultancy services. The data are generated by teams of staff employed to trawl art exhibitions, events, restaurants and even scientific journals.


Fashion companies use the data to plan their latest collection or catwalk show, with the online services replacing the bulky and intermittent style books that designers and merchandisers used to receive.


'We have seen double digit growth over the last two years and in 2013 we are seeing the highest increase in customer growth for three years,' says Julie Harris, chief executive of Worth Global Style Network, a U.K.-based forecaster that counts every Fortune 500 apparel brand among its 3,600 corporate subscribers.

英国时装潮流预测公司Worth Global Style Network(简称“WGSN”)的首席执行长朱莉・哈里斯(Julie Harris)说:“在过去两年中我们获得了两位数的增长,2013年我们的客户数量增速是三年来最快的。”该公司的3,600名企业订户包括“财富500强”中的每一家时装公司。

WGSN, which is part of the Top Right Group, in July bought the online division of Mudpie, a smaller rival that operates mainly in the children's market, for an undisclosed sum. The physical stylebook service that WGSN didn't snap up has now been liquidated.

WGSN为Top Right集团的子公司,它在7月份收购了一个小竞争对手――主营童装市场的Mudpie公司――的在线业务,收购金额未向外界透露。Mudpie的实体时装款式样书业务未被WGSN收购,现已被清算。

The company will also launch a retail analytics tool in the next month targeted specifically at comparison shopping, a service companies use to check up on the competition and gauge demand for similar products.


'[Fashion forecasters] have always been used but they're more accessible now because of the technology,' says Marks & Spencer creative director Belinda Earl, who has just launched her first collection for the U.K. high street bellwether. 'They are important, not always to lead but to re-evaluate and help confirm you're on the right track.'

玛莎百货(Marks&Spencer)创意总监贝琳达・厄尔(Belinda Earl)说:“(潮流预测服务)一直都有人用,只是科技让它现在更方便被大家使用罢了。它们非常重要,但它并非总是起引领作用,而更是重新评估,帮助你确定你正走在正轨上。”

'We use [trend forecasters] to support, validate and give us confidence we're on the same page,' said Anna Clarke, head of womenswear for J Sainsbury's Tu clothing range.

J Sainsbury旗下服装品牌Tu的女装总监安娜・克拉克(Anna Clarke)说:“我们利用(潮流预测服务)来支持、验证并使我们自信我们跟上了潮流。”

'We can't get rid of risk but we can mitigate risk,' says Frank Bober, founder and CEO of U.S.-based fashion trend forecaster Stylesight.

美国时装潮流预测机构Stylesight的创始人兼首席执行长弗兰克・博伯(Frank Bober)称:“我们不能消除风险,但我们能减轻风险。”

Mr. Bober's Stylesight has 3,000 different corporate subscribers, representing 40% growth over the past four years.


Forecasters claim to save their clients travel expenses, the cost of freelancers who might be paid to photograph trendy people, and time spent trawling the vast cache of fashion data that are already available on the Internet. Then there is the benefit of being on-trend, which can translate into increased sales.


'They [forecasters] take the information and package it in a way that speaks the language of the retailers and manufacturers. Then it's our job to decide what makes sense for our business; we have to filter it again,' says Sofia Wacksman, vice president of trend for Kohl's Corporation.

美国连锁百货Kohl's Corporation负责时装潮流事务的副总裁索菲娅・瓦克斯曼(Sofia Wacksman)说:“他们(指潮流预测机构)收集信息,并以零售商和制造商的术语将信息整合在一起,接下来我们的工作就是决定什么信息对我们行业是有意义的,我们得再次对它进行筛选。”

She said that while the company relies heavily on forecasters, it also follows blogs and fashion websites, takes several annual overseas trips to leading fashion cities, follows the catwalk shows and trawls vintage trends.


Retailers are also turning to number crunchers to improve execution. U.K. start-up EDITD trawls the Internet to gather data on who's selling what, how many products are flying off the virtual shelves and how much are they going for to guide companies in their merchandising decisions.


Founders Julia Fowler, a designer, and IT developer Geoff Watts believe retailers need real-time data to decide when to put something into their storefront, when to discount it and when to take it away to make space for new items.

EDITD的创始人朱莉娅・福勒(Julia Fowler)与杰夫・沃茨(Geoff Watts)分别为设计师和软件开发工程师。他们认为零售商需要实时数据来决定什么时候将商品上架,什么时候打折,以及什么时候将它们下架以便给新品腾出空位。

With 20 staff and a handful of clients, the company expects to be twice as big this time next year.


EDITD's database of images and information churns out frequent reports and reference tools including a comparison-shopping tool and a social monitor function which looks at what people are commenting about online.


New entrants are joining the market. ITC Limited, an Indian cigarettes-to-hotels conglomerate, later this year will launch a fashion analytics system that mines a company's own historical data to 'analyze past designs and bring out the aspects that have been popular and feed this information back into the design process,' the company said last month. It has yet to confirm the cost of the service.

新竞争者也在加入这个市场。印度ITC Limited公司在8月宣布,它将于今年年底发布一个时装潮流分析系统,该系统可搜寻企业自己的历史数据来“分析以往的设计并提取出一直以来都流行的元素,再把这些信息反馈回设计过程中”。ITC Limited是一家从事从烟草到酒店业等各类业务的企业集团,该集团尚未证实此项服务的费用。

Many retailers say the information forecasters provide has become an important part of how they tap consumers, who spend less, shop online more and demand the latest outfits in increasingly tight time frames.


'Fashion moves so quickly,' Kohl's Sofia Wacksman said. '[Companies] like Stylesight or WGSN, which are updated every day, are really useful in order to make sure we have the right information. They offer us an industry eye on all of the information, broken down by print, color and classification like sweaters of woven tops.'


As consumers demand up-to-the-minute fashion and retailers respond with fast-changing collections, it seems that fashion forecasting will keep turning heads.



kathy 发表于 2015-6-4 23:00:52
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