






发布者: sunnyHU | 发布时间: 2013-10-19 17:13| 查看数: 710| 评论数: 1|

Wall Street investment banks and other financial services groups are reducing their reliance on BlackBerry, underscoring the Canadian smartphone company’s challenge as it plans to abandon the consumer market to focus on its core business customers.


Wall Street banks once relied exclusively on BlackBerry when providing devices for employees, but many have now delayed or cancelled plans to upgrade to the latest BB10 smartphones and software.


This has had a big impact on BlackBerry’s finances. The company said last week that it would post an operating loss of $1bn for the quarter, and revenue well below analysts’ expectations, when it releases results today.


The company, which has received a tentative $4.7bn bid from Fairfax Financial, its biggest shareholder, has also cancelled a conference call to discuss those results.

黑莓还取消了一场讨论业绩的电话会议。最大股东Fairfax Financial向该公司发出了初步收购要约,出价47亿美元。

Credit Suisse cited the lack of backwards compatibility of the latest BlackBerry platform, “dwindling, albeit loyal, population of BlackBerry users and concerns around long-term viability of the platform causing us to pause, and wait and see, on any upgrades”.

瑞士信贷(Credit Suisse)指出,黑莓的新平台缺乏“向后兼容性”,“黑莓用户尽管忠诚度很高,但用户量在下降,加上担心这个平台的长期生命力,促使我们暂停升级,采取观望态度。”

Many other banks, sharing similar concerns, have also yet to certify the latest BlackBerry devices for use by their bankers.


This forced BlackBerry last month to cut its licence fees for the BES10 software needed to support the latest BB10 smartphones.


But that move may have come too late, as financial services professionals, once inseparable from their BlackBerrys, increasingly bring their own devices – often an Apple iPhone or an Android platform device – to work.


The iPhone last year overtook BlackBerry as the most popular smartphone in terms of corporate IT, according to a report by iPass, a WiFi mobile service provider. “BlackBerry is still entrenched in the enterprise, but it seems that it is being phased out,” the report said.


The number of Black-Berrys used by Credit Suisse employees, for example, has fallen from more than 16,500 two years ago, to 8,500.


Meanwhile, the number of personal mobile phones used for work at the bank rose from zero to 22,000 in only 18 months.


More than 30 per cent of staff at Citigroup’s institutional client bank, including senior managers, now use a personal smart device.


“Bring Your Own Device is something our associates have been asking for,” said Cathy Bessant, the head of global technology and operations at Bank of America. “We are moving strongly in that direction.”

美银(Bank of America)全球技术与运营主管卡蒂·贝赞特(Cathy Bessant)表示:“BYOD——携带自己的设备办公——是我们的同事们所要求的。我们正在朝着这个方向大力迈进。”


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