





Yoga For Office Workers – How it can Enhance Your Working Experience

发布者: wendy1502 | 发布时间: 2013-10-20 09:00| 查看数: 776| 评论数: 0|

Yoga For Office Workers – How it can Enhance Your Working Experience

With modern technology evolving, an increasing number of jobs involve sitting at a computer for at least 8 hours a day. You may think this makes for an easy life but sitting at a computer for prolonged periods of time can actually cause you to suffer from pains and strains; known as Repetitive Strain Injuries (RSI’s). Along with RSIs; back and neck pain, poor circulation and insomnia can be caused by office jobs.

Yoga is becoming an increasingly popular exercise as it’s gentle, and work wonders for office workers who are prone to stress, poor circulation, RSIs and low fitness levels. Another benefit of yoga is that it can easily fit into the busiest of schedules. Just 20 minutes of yoga a day can uplift your mood and reinvigorate your body.

The following are common complaints many people have as a result of their office job:

Poor Posture

Problems and Symptoms

Slouching, hunching over and twisting the spine can ruin your posture, body stance and cause you many spinal complications later in life. Poor posture can also create the illusion you are shorter than you actually are. In order to realign your posture and reduce pains caused by a weakening spine you should practice yoga.


Ensuring you have the correct office furniture for your height is important to reduce the risk of RSIs and back pain. The ideal office chair should support your back and encourage you to naturally sit upright rather than cause you to slouch.

Yoga has many different stages and simply practicing 20 minutes of beginner’s yoga everyday can help to improve fitness, burn fat and improve your posture. Yoga is particularly beneficial in the morning when you wake up, as it not only makes you more alert but it also involves a lot of stretching to loosen those muscles that are stiff from sleeping.

Inability to Sleep Properly

Problems and Symptoms

Pressure from tight deadlines can wreak havoc with your sleeping pattern. When in bed, people tend to think of things they have forgotten to do during the day and try to force their brains to make mental notes. The ticking of your brain each night cummulates a lack of sleep until you reach exhaustion, which could result in poor performance at work and increase stress; therefore you enter a vicious circle.


Completing a gentle 10 minute yoga session just before you go to bed can relieve stress and physically relax your muscles, making the ability to sleep easier. Try to choose a sequence that involves gentle stretching and controlled breathing to clear your mind.

Eye Strain

Problems and Symptoms

Staring at a computer screen for prolonged periods of time can take its toll your eyes. Common symptoms of eye strain include dry, tired eyes, excessive eye watering, sharp pains behind they eyes, blurred vision and headaches. Although these symptoms are temporary they can be very uncomfortable and cause you to lose concentration.


To avoid or reduce eye strain symptoms, be sure to blink frequently to keep the eyes hydrated. Take short frequent breaks or perform other tasks which don’t involve looking at your screen. If you’re taking notes try to write them on paper rather than on a computer as this will give you a break from staring at the screen.

Certain facial yoga sequences can really help to revitalize weary eyes. Try the “clock” sequence which can help revitalize eyes that have become tired and lazy. Simply visualize a clock in front of your eyes. Imagine the furthest you can look up is 12 o’clock, the furthest down is 6 o’clock and the farthest right and left are 3 o’clock and 9 o’clock. Now, with your eyes as wide open as they can be, do the sequence of the clock starting at 12 then moving to 5 past etc. If you repeat this twice clockwise and then twice anti-clockwise your eyes should feel refreshed.

Poor Circulation

Problems and Symptoms

Sitting in the same position all day can have increasingly negative effects on leg muscles and many people can experience painful cramps in their calf muscles or suffer from restless leg syndrome. Prolonged periods of sitting can also increase the risk of developing Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) which causes painful blood clots in the calf muscles. Women who smoke or take the contraceptive pill are at an increased risk of getting DVT.


To reduce leg cramps and the risk of getting DVT be sure to take regular trips to the water cooler, not only does the walk stretch your legs and get your blood flowing again but keeping rehydrated can also help to prevent DVT.

If you experience cramps and restless legs it’s a good idea to work your leg muscles so they strengthen and relax. Try practicing a sequence of yoga that especially targets thigh and calf muscles to increase circulation in the legs and feet whilst toning the calf muscles. You may find some movements that you could perform under your desk to increase blood circulation.

The increasing number of people practicing yoga shows there are definite mental and physical benefits to reap. Many people see aerobic exercise as a chore but view yoga as a pastime. This positive perception of yoga helps people to remain practicing yoga for longer periods of time than they would regularly visit the gym for. When you wake up in the morning try a few stretches and see how refreshing it feels.


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