






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2013-10-25 10:59| 查看数: 911| 评论数: 0|

The menswear floor of the New World Department Store in central Chengdu, a city of 14m in western China, offers the kind of fast fashion you might expect to see in any second-tier city in the US or Europe.

在成都市中心新世界百货(New World Department Store)卖男装的那一层,你会发现在美国或者欧洲任意一个二线城市所能看到的那种快时尚服装。成都是一座位于中国西部的城市,拥有1400万人口。

The signage on the concessions is in English but it displays unfamiliar brand names. “I’m David” sells urban casual wear, “Scofield” is meant to have a British feel, while “Mind Bridge” and “Gather Jewels” are both preppy Ivy League style.

许多铺面挂的都是英文招牌,但店内服装的品牌名称却令人陌生。“I’m David”销售的是城市休闲服装,“Scofield”旨在打造一股英伦风,“Mind Bridge”和“Gather Jewels”走的都是常青藤联盟预科学校的学生风格。

They may look the part, but these clothes struggle to compete with Uniqlo, Zara and H&M, all of which have their own stores nearby. Brands such as these illustrate the problems and opportunities facing China as it attempts to jump-start the consumer spending that will rebalance its economy away from heavy investment in factories and property.


Chinese consumers want foreign goods. Whether sports shoes or cars, televisions or mobile phones, cosmetics or nappies, surveys show that foreign brands predominate.


Shaun Rein of China Market Research Group says people trust foreign brands not to cut corners and associate them with more of an established heritage than their domestic labels.


This spells trouble for China as its people become more middle-class and spend more on non-essential items. The more that they buy foreign goods, the more that the proceeds of China’s progress will accumulate to shareholders elsewhere. It will also mean fewer profits for Chinese companies to reinvest in innovation and expertise at home in electronics, for example.

中国市场研究集团(China Market Research)的雷小山(Shaun Rein)表示,中国民众相信外国品牌不会偷工减料,而且与本土品牌相比有更加深厚的品牌传统。

When the US consumer boom began after the second world war, the world was much less globalised – most of the money that Americans spent went to companies that Americans owned. Unless China’s path changes, the draining of wealth to foreign companies will affect the country’s ability to get richer in a sustainable and more equitable way.


Its lack of popular brands is already visible to some degree in its trade balances with other countries. China may run a large nominal surplus but when economists adjust those numbers for the value that it adds or gives away in making goods that are consumed at home or abroad, the numbers tell a very different story.


For example, its total trade surplus with the US drops from $189bn to $127bn on a value-added basis, according to calculations by economists at BBVA, the Spanish bank. Most of this reduction is due to value given away in electrical and optical equipment, textiles and clothing.


Consumer brands are by no means everything to the future of China. It is beginning to export real expertise that should bring profits in areas such as infrastructure. This was underlined last week when China General Nuclear Power Corporation struck a deal to build a large nuclear energy plant in western England.


Chinese companies are also making strides in other less visible areas. The telecommunications equipment maker Huawei may not sell much to consumers, but elsewhere in the developed world and emerging economies it is becoming a real force.

中国的未来并非只取决于消费品牌的发展状况。中国已经开始在基建等领域向外输出专业技术,并有望获得盈利。中国广核集团(China General Nuclear Power Corporation)就于上周达成了一项协议,将在英格兰西部参与建设一座大型核电站。

However, branding in consumption is hugely important – it carries intellectual property and goodwill that confer higher margins and higher profits.


Chinese brands are beginning to make headway in some areas – particularly in fast-moving consumer goods. Jia Duo Bao, a kind of cold herbal tea in a red can, outsells Coca-Cola many times over in China even though it is twice the price, says Mr Rein.


Kiki Fan of market research company Neilsen says brands like this are no longer trying to fight multinationals head on, but are appealing to traditional beliefs about health and the properties of certain herbs or ingredients. “Some local brands better understand how to appeal to traditional ideas and use natural products to leverage off those local beliefs,” she says.


Arnaud Debane of Superbrands China says that local brands are even beginning to make headway in the more commoditised end of sophisticated products such as lower-cost smartphones, or television sets.

市场研究公司尼尔森(Neilsen)的范奕瑾(Kiki Fan)表示,像加多宝这样的品牌已经不再试图与跨国公司正面竞争,而是借助有关健康的传统观念以及某些草药或成分的效果来吸引消费者。她指出:“一些中国本土品牌更了解如何迎合传统观念,并借助这些观念来推广含天然成分的产品。”

Even where foreign brands dominate preferences, such as cars, China can retain more wealth. This is partly through local brands such as Great Wall selling more cars than show up in preference surveys, but also through retaining more of the process of making and delivering the goods in the country, according to Alicia Garcia-Herrero, chief emerging markets economist at BBVA.

Superbrands China的阿诺•迪班(Arnaud Debane)表示,中国本土品牌甚至已经开始在低成本智能手机、电视机等商品化程度更高的复杂产品领域取得进展。

“Logistics costs can be very large, so the more of the supply chain you control, the more value you can hold,” she says.

即使是在外国品牌明显更受消费者青睐的领域,如汽车,中国也已经能把更多的财富保留在国内。西班牙对外银行首席新兴市场经济学家阿莉西亚•加西亚-埃雷罗(Alicia Garcia-Herrero)指出,部分原因在于长城汽车(Great Wall)等国产品牌的实际销量要好于消费者偏好调查所反映的情况,此外与商品在中国国内的生产和运输流程也很有关系。

If China can follow its neighbours and develop its own powerful brands like Samsung of South Korea, or Toyota of Japan, it can sell not only to its own 1.35bn people but to billions of others all over the world.


If it does not build or buy such brands there is a risk that its consistent trade surpluses will become deficits in the decades ahead. That is not what the push to rebalance China’s economy towards consumerism is supposed to do.



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