






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2013-10-25 12:59| 查看数: 667| 评论数: 0|

Currency speculators are betting on an end-of-year rally in emerging markets, as the weak dollar fuels a revival of carry trades in higher yielding currencies.


Long positions taken by active investors in Asia-Pacific currencies are at the highest level since the start of 2012, while long positions in emerging markets currencies are the highest in a year, according to a Citigroup analysis.


The swing in favour of riskier assets reflects expectations that the US Federal Reserve will maintain its stimulus programme at least until the start of next year while it assesses the damage done by the US government shutdown.


With the dollar close to a two-year low against a ­basket of rivals, dollar-funded investments in high yielding assets are more attractive.


“The market can safely price the Fed to be on hold through the end of the year,” wrote strategists at Credit Suisse, noting that emerging markets had outperformed G7 currencies since the end of September.

瑞信(Credit Suisse)策略师写道:“市场可以有把握地预测,美联储在今年底之前将维持政策不变。”他们指出,自9月底以来,新兴市场货币的表现优于七国集团(G7)货币。

Some of the biggest gains have been in currencies that suffered heavy selling in July and August, as investors fled countries vulnerable to a sudden withdrawal of the Fed’s “easy money”. The Indonesian rupiah has risen 2.4 per cent against the dollar since the start of October, the South African rand 3.6 per cent and the Turkish lira 1.8 per cent.


Some think the shift in sentiment is sufficient to tempt institutional funds that pulled out of emerging markets earlier in the year.


“We needed a big bang to see real money back in the game. We believe we just had it,” wrote strategists at Citi.


However, the rally stalled yesterday, with many Asian currencies slipping as fears of a liquidity squeeze in China’s financial system rattled markets.


Another risk is that authorities forced to intervene to prop up their currencies in recent months – including Brazil, India and Indonesia – may now scale back support.


Other governments would like a weaker currency: traders believe South Korea’s central bank has been intervening heavily to limit the won’s appreciation.


Investors are also alert to the longer-term challenges facing emerging markets. “Growth is weak and fundamentals are shaky,” argue strategists at Morgan Stanley, who predict a short-lived tactical rally.

此外,投资者对新兴市场面临的较长期挑战保持警惕。摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley)策略师辩称:“增长疲弱,同时基本面因素不稳定。”他们预测这将是一次短时间的战术性反弹。


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