






发布者: sunnyHU | 发布时间: 2013-11-2 17:10| 查看数: 806| 评论数: 0|


  Google Inc. Executive Chairman Eric Schmidt shared his views on Korea at an event in Seoul on Thursday. Some highlights:

  谷歌公司(Google Inc.)执行董事长施密特(Eric Schmidt)周四在首尔的一个活动上公开表示了他对韩国的看法。以下是一些精彩部分:

  --Korean corporate culture is too hierarchical and women aren't given enough chances to advance.


  --For all their differences, the two Koreas share much in common, including a taste for good architecture and a love of vibrant colors.


  --K-pop star Psy is really really great.


  The Google event was Mr. Schmidt's first public appearance on the Korean peninsula since a well-publicized trip to Pyongyang in January.


  Mr. Schmidt steered clear of any business talk for the most part, focusing instead on his love of Korean culture and, in particular, Psy -- a recurring theme throughout a roving 45-minute on-stage interview in Seoul's Gangnam neighborhood.


  He also had some blunt words for corporate Korea, calling on companies in the entertainment and technology industries to encourage more free thinking and less of what he called a 'hierarchical, patriarchal and more central planning-oriented' mindset.


  'That's served South Korea well, [but] I think it has to change,' he said.


  Mr. Schmidt argued in particular that the country needs more entrepreneurs, rather than a few dominant companies that exert most of the influence and attract most of the talent. While acknowledging that his vision was for a system that was 'not so Korean,' offering more choices and letting the market decide, Mr. Schmidt said, 'is probably a better way to think about things.


  The creative fields that Korea is now trying to cultivate, including in pop culture and software, require more of a bottom-up approach than is currently the case, Mr. Schmidt argued, saying 'leaders here should acknowledge that maybe you don't have all the right answers.'



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