






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2013-11-6 11:00| 查看数: 898| 评论数: 0|

These are dark days for fans of regular yogurt.


The creamy snack is being edged out on grocery store shelves by its thicker, tarter, higher-protein sibling, Greek yogurt.


Over a third of the yogurt in a typical grocery store is now Greek, in varieties from low-fat to fruit-on-the-bottom to tubes for kids. Because shelf space is limited, the Greek squeeze means consumers have had to say goodbye to some varieties of traditional-style yogurt and more obscure flavors. (R.I.P. Stonyfield Farm's Whole Milk White Chocolate Raspberry and Strawberry Acai flavors.) Pudding cups, margarine and other products with the misfortune of usually sitting near yogurt also are harder to find.

普通食品店里三分之一以上的酸奶现在都是希腊酸奶,品种从低脂酸奶到水果酸奶到儿童酸奶棒,一应俱全。由于货架空间有限,希腊酸奶的排挤意味着消费者不得不告别部分传统酸奶品种以及比较奇特的口味。(比如Stonyfield Farm的全脂白巧克力树莓和草莓巴西莓口味。)布丁杯、人造黄油及其他不幸通常情况下被放在酸奶旁边的产品也很难找到了。

'It certainly has crowded out everything I like to eat,' says Kimberly Davis, a 38-year-old resident of Plattsburgh, N.Y., who doesn't like the taste of Greek yogurt but eats traditional yogurt often.

38岁的纽约州普拉茨堡居民金伯利・戴维斯(Kimberly Davis)说:“它确实把我喜欢吃的所有东西都挤没了。”她不喜欢希腊酸奶的味道,但经常喝传统酸奶。

'I like to pick some random, oddball flavor to try, maybe as a dessert, and now there is a lot less of that,' says Ms. Davis, who works in banking and local politics. She says she loves coconut and cheesecake flavors. Now she eats plain or vanilla yogurt some mornings, but chooses other things for dessert.


Yogurt consumption in the U.S. has boomed. Long past its reputation as an odd hippie concoction, yogurt sits at an American eating-trend sweet spot. Americans are eating fewer sit-down meals and favor hearty snacks on the go. Yogurt is portable, high in protein and consumers often perceive it as healthier than other sweet snacks (though many varieties are high in sugar).


Chobani Inc. burst onto the scene in 2007 when Greek yogurt made up about 1% of the yogurt selection on shelves, a company spokeswoman says. Now it's the largest seller of Greek yogurt in the U.S. and Greek makes up about 35% of all yogurt on shelves, the spokeswoman says.

乔班尼公司(Chobani Inc.)发言人说,公司2007年进入市场时,希腊酸奶占酸奶市场约1%的份额,现在公司成了美国最大的希腊酸奶销售商,希腊酸奶占整个酸奶市场的份额约35%。

Some bigger companies have launched their own brands of Greek yogurt but struggled to catch up, including Danone SA's Stonyfield and General Mills Inc.'s Yoplait. Dannon, also owned by Danone SA, is having more success chipping away at Chobani's lead with its Oikos Greek products.

有些较大公司推出了自己的希腊酸奶品牌,包括达能集团(Danone SA)的Stonyfield和通用磨坊(General Mills Inc.)的Yoplait,它们举步艰难力图赶上。。而达能集团旗下另一个品牌达能(Dannon)却成功利用其Oikos希腊酸奶产品逐步削弱了乔班尼的主导地位。

Meanwhile, the companies have been forced to drop other kinds of yogurt to keep up.


'It has posed a real conundrum' for retailers and yogurt-makers deciding what to put on shelves, says Gary Hirshberg, co-founder and chairman of Stonyfield. Almost all varieties of traditional yogurt, from low-fat to whole milk, have 'lost space to that behemoth called Greek,' he says.

Stonyfield联合创始人及董事长加里・赫什伯格(Gary Hirshberg)说,这对于零售商和酸奶生产商决定把何种商品放上货架 “构成了很大的难题”。他说,从低脂到全脂,几乎所有品种的传统酸奶都“被希腊酸奶挤得一点空间都没有了”。

More consumers are complaining that they can't find a beloved flavor that's unavailable, Mr. Hirshberg says. They 'show up behind dairy cases and say, 'Where is my Mocha Latte, Apricot Mango or Cappuccino?'' he says.


Stonyfield has received about 1,800 product-availability requests from consumers asking where they can find a flavor so far this year. The company received about 1,200 during the same period last year, says a spokeswoman. 'In our minds, about half the consumers aren't wild about Greek,' Mr. Hirshberg says.


(Chobani recently asked retailers to remove some of its products from shelves because of consumer complaints that packages were swelling and bloating. Chobani called it 'isolated quality concerns' that affected less than 5% of its production.)


Most yogurt with Greek on the label is strained, making even low-fat varieties dense and creamy. The process leaves more protein and fewer carbohydrates, making it a hit with the health-conscious crowd. Over half of U.S. households bought Greek over the last 12 months, according to data from retail research firm IRI, provided by Stonyfield, the largest organic yogurt brand in the U.S. Greek varieties are bringing new customers to the yogurt aisle and driving overall sales.


Often a shopper in the yogurt section is looking for a snack that feels healthy, yet sweet and creamy, says John Heath, Chobani's head of innovation. Many of these customers are lured to Greek because they know it has more protein and they like the thick texture, but for a small group, that texture is a turnoff, he says.

乔班尼创新产品部主管约翰・希思(John Heath)说,通常在酸奶区逛的人都是在找感觉比较健康但味道又甜又浓腻的零食。他说,这些消费者很多都被希腊酸奶所吸引,因为他们知道希腊酸奶蛋白质含量高,而且他们喜欢浓稠的质地,但也有少数人不喜欢这种质地。

The consistency of Greek yogurt is 'quite similar to wet cement,' says Charlotte Garden, a 30-year-old Boston resident who works at a hedge fund. She eats yogurts with a lighter texture for breakfast most mornings. 'It would be easier if I liked it,' she says. 'I would have so many more options.'

现年30岁、供职于一家对冲基金的波士顿居民夏洛特・加尔登(Charlotte Garden)说,希腊酸奶的粘稠度“非常像未干的水泥”。而大多时候她早餐都吃质地较稀的酸奶。她说:“如果我喜欢希腊酸奶的话就容易多了。那样我就会有大量的选择。”

Danone, the largest seller of yogurt in the U.S., has dropped a few flavors of traditional yogurt and product lines, such as Danimals Crush Cups, a product marketed to kids. (Eaters squeezed the cup to slurp out the yogurt.) Oikos products now make up about 36% of the company's yogurt offerings, up from 10% two years ago. The company hasn't heard any 'collective sighs' from consumers missing the dropped products, a spokesman says.

全美酸奶最大销售商达能放弃了几种传统口味的酸奶及生产线,比如针对儿童的Danimals Crush Cups(食用时需挤压杯子吸食酸奶)。Oikos产品现在约占到公司酸奶产品的36%,较两年前的10%有了大幅上升。公司发言人说,公司尚未听说怀念被撤销产品的消费者有任何“集体不满”。

Stores are creating more space for yogurt, but Greek is taking up more of that space. Today yogurt takes up about 2.2 million linear feet of grocery store shelf space in the U.S., up from about 1.9 million two years ago. During that time, space allotted to Greek yogurt at U.S. grocery stores increased to about 631,000 linear feet, up from about 163,000 in 2011, reducing space for non-Greek products by about 12%, according to IRI data from Stonyfield.


Kids may be set to lead the anti-Greek yogurt charge. 'The group who is putting a damper on the market is children,' even though they're typically big yogurt fans, says Harry Balzer, vice president at NPD Group, a consumer research firm that surveys eating behavior. Indeed, about 40% of the Greek yogurt products marketed specifically for children -- those in smaller portions or adorned with colorful graphics -- are purchased by households that don't have kids, says Amy Elkes, insights and innovation manager for Stonyfield.

孩子们可能会是反对希腊酸奶运动的领军人群。专门调查饮食习惯的消费者研究机构NDP集团(NPD Group)副总裁哈里・巴尔泽尔(Harry Balzer)说,“对酸奶市场造成不利影响的群体是儿童”,尽管他们一般都很爱喝酸奶。的确,Stonyfield消费者洞察及创新经理埃米・埃尔克斯(Amy Elkes)说,40%针对儿童的希腊酸奶产品──份量较小或有彩色图画装饰的酸奶──都是被没有孩子的家庭所购买的。

'I eat Greek yogurt practically every day,' says Colleen Pence, a 42-year-old blogger and social media consultant in San Antonio. But when her two kids 'try mommy's yogurt they make faces,' she says. 'It's a little bit more pungent than they are used to.'

安东尼奥42岁的博主、社交媒体顾问科琳・彭斯(Colleen Pence)说:“我几乎每天都吃酸奶”。她说,但她的两个孩子“尝试妈妈的酸奶时会做鬼脸”,“比他们熟悉的味道更刺激”。

Only about 8% of households buy exclusively Greek. The vast majority of consumers are buying traditional or some mix of Greek and non-Greek yogurt, Stonyfield's Ms. Elkes says.


To make room for Greek and other varieties of yogurt, Meijer Inc., a Midwestern chain, is growing space for yogurt and dropping some slower-selling products near the section like refrigerated dough for croissants, says Shawn Buckner, group vice president of foods for Meijer. 'You do have to juggle,' he says.

中西部连锁超市Meijer Inc.食品部集团副总裁肖恩・巴克纳(Shawn Buckner)说,为了给希腊酸奶及其他酸奶品种腾出空间,公司正在扩充酸奶区的空间,并撤掉旁边销售比较慢的一些产品,比如牛角面包冷冻面团。他说:“确实需要变通。”

Supervalu Inc. has reduced the space given to traditional yogurt, as well as nearby products with less robust sales like margarine, says a spokesman for the Eden Prairie, Minn.-based company, which owns brands like Cub Foods and Hornbacher's. Stores are reducing the size of the margarine section by about half, while increasing the space they allot for yogurt of all types, the spokesman says.

Supervalu Inc.发言人说,公司缩减了传统酸奶以及旁边诸如人造黄油等销售不大强劲的产品的货柜空间。这家公司位于明尼苏达州Eden Prairie,拥有Cub Foods和Hornbacher's等品牌。这位发言人说,店铺将人造黄油区的空间缩小了约一半,同时扩充了各类酸奶的空间。

ConAgra Foods Inc. has responded by putting its margarine into square tubs to save every possible inch of space. The company discovered that its typically rounded tubs create a 'little star shape between circles' of wasted space on a shelf, says Patrick Fitzgerald, the company's senior brand manager of table spreads.

ConAgra Foods Inc.也将人造黄油放进方盒里以尽量节省空间。涂抹调料部高级品牌经理帕特里克・菲茨杰拉德(Patrick Fitzgerald)说,公司发现常用的圆形包装会在货架上形成细小的星形空隙,浪费空间。

By the end of the year, Blue Bonnet, Fleischmann's, and others will only be sold in square-shaped tubs and sticks.

到今年年底,Blue Bonnet、Fleischmann's及其他品牌的产品都会改成方盒及方条包装。


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