






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2013-11-7 09:00| 查看数: 737| 评论数: 0|

AIG is preparing to sue some of the biggest banks for fraud, alleging that they mis-sold mortgage securities before the financial crisis and pushed the 90-year-old insurance group to the brink of failure.


Morgan Stanley disclosed yesterday that AIG “may file a lawsuit” over $3.7bn of securities, after opting to end an agreement that had suspended legal action to allow the two parties to work on a settlement.

摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley)昨日称,AIG决定终止此前与前者达成的一项协议,并可能就价值37亿美元的证券向其“提起诉讼”。双方之前曾达成协议,AIG同意暂不诉诸法律手段,以便双方拟定一项和解方案。

People familiar with the matter said AIG had also held intensive discussions with “a number of other banks” and reached confidential settlements with some. But other discussions are outstanding and could result in lawsuits being filed before the end of the year.


In August 2011 the insurer sued Bank of America for $10.5bn, alleging the bank’s mortgage-backed securities were “marred by fraud, misrepresentations and omissions”.


The claim is ongoing.


AIG’s talks with Morgan Stanley fell apart over the level of compensation for losses, according to people familiar with the situation, and the insurer has told Morgan Stanley it will file a lawsuit in the coming days.


AIG’s move to press for fraud claims in some of the cases is a tougher approach than that deployed by the Federal Home Finance Agency, the US government housing regulator.


The FHFA reached a $4bn settlement with JPMorgan Chase, and is continuing to press for multibillion-dollar settlements with other banks.

美国联邦住房金融局已与摩根大通(JPMorgan Chase)达成40亿美元的和解协议,并继续向其他银行索要数十亿美元和解金。

AIG is not part of a proposed settlement between JPMorgan and several other institutional investors that bought mortgage securities from the bank, according to these and other people involved.


Those investors include BlackRock, the largest asset manager, and Goldman Sachs Asset Management.

这些机构投资者包括全球最大的资产管理公司贝莱德(Blackstone),以及高盛资产管理公司(Goldman Sachs Asset Management)。

It mirrors a previous $8.5bn deal between investors and BofA, which AIG also opposed.


AIG was one of the biggest private purchasers of mortgage-backed securities after Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the government-backed institutions that were also bailed out by the crisis.

AIG是继政府支持机构——房利美(Fannie Mae)和房地美(Freddie Mac)之后,购买MBS证券最多的私营机构之一。房利美和房地美在危机中也接受了政府救助。

The FHFA is pursuing banks for compensation on behalf of Fannie and Freddie.


Its multibillion-dollar claims are therefore higher than those of other investors. AIG is unusual in that it has not benefited from the recovery in the price of MBS that has accompanied the improving housing market because it sold its MBS at fire sale prices during the crisis.


AIG declined to comment.



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