






发布者: sunnyHU | 发布时间: 2013-11-8 17:01| 查看数: 850| 评论数: 0|

George Osborne, the chancellor, has unveiled plans for Britain to issue the first Islamic bond outside the Muslim world, as he seeks to turn the City of London into the “unrivalled western centre for Islamic finance”.

英国财政大臣乔治·奥斯本(George Osborne)公布计划,英国将第一个在穆斯林世界之外发行伊斯兰债券,此举旨在让伦敦金融城(City of London)成为“西方独一无二的伊斯兰金融中心”。

Mr Osborne hopes the £200m bond or “sukuk” will act as a catalyst for the City to become a leading player in the sharia-compliant finance industry, which is worth $1tn globally.


It is the latest sign of policy makers drawing a line under the financial crash and creating the conditions for the City to win new types of business. The chancellor this month told a Chinese audience that it was his “personal mission” to make London a home to Chinese banks and a global hub for offshore trading in renminbi.


The change in rhetoric was underscored last week when Mark Carney, Bank of England governor, predicted the banking sector’s assets could swell to nine times gross domestic product by 2050. He said he had no qualms about such a large financial services industry if it was properly regulated.

上周,英国央行(BoE)行长马克·卡尼(Mark Carney)的言论凸显出这种腔调上的改变。卡尼上周预测,到2050年,英国银行业的资产可能将增至国内生产总值(GDP)的9倍。他表示,如果监管得当,如此大规模的金融服务业并不令其担忧。

The latest pro-City move will be unveiled today at the ninth World Islamic Economic Forum, known as the “Islamic Davos”. The Treasury hopes to launch its bond next year.

作为促进伦敦金融城发展的最新举措,债券发行计划将在世界伊斯兰经济论坛(World Islamic Economic Forum,亦称为“伊斯兰达沃斯”)上正式揭晓。英国财政部希望明年发行该债券。

The plan – which has been worked on for many years – will be announced by David Cameron and is outlined today by Mr Osborne in the Financial Times as a means of stimulating Islamic investment in London and Britain. “While others in the western world resist change, this government is embracing it: banging the drum for British businesses, seeking out new markets, welcoming overseas investment with open arms,” the chancellor writes.

预计戴维·卡梅伦(David Cameron)将公布这项已经研究多年的伊斯兰债券计划。奥斯本今天在英国《金融时报》上将该计划描述为刺激伊斯兰世界向伦敦和英国投资的手段。奥斯本写道:“当其他西方国家不愿变革的时候,英国现任政府却在积极迎接变革,为英国企业擂鼓助威,开拓新市场,张开双臂迎接海外投资。”


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