






发布者: sunnyHU | 发布时间: 2013-11-9 16:37| 查看数: 819| 评论数: 0|

As far as punchy titles go, the third plenary session of the 18th Central Committee of the Communist party of China is wanting. The statements produced by the plenum are likely to be similarly dense, full of references to perfecting the country’s socialist market economy and homage to theories such as the “three represents”.


But bloated phrasing has not been an obstacle to far-reaching economic policy changes in China over the past 35 years. Expectations are running high that the forthcoming meeting – held in Beijing from November 9 to 12 – will kick-start reform. While lofty expectations are likely to be disappointed, it does not mean the third plenum will be a non-event.


This is the first real opportunity for President Xi Jinping to flesh out his economic vision for the country after a year at the helm of the Communist party. Previous third plenums have been pivotal. Deng Xiaoping used the 1978 plenum to consolidate China’s post-Mao agricultural reforms. Jiang Zemin, his successor, used the 1993 third plenum to lock in the market reforms that culminated in China’s accession to the World Trade Organisation.


But for Hu Jintao, Mr Xi’s predecessor, the 2003 third plenum became a marker of his administration’s shortcomings. Mr Hu vowed at the plenum to tackle China’s unbalanced growth, but a decade later left office with the economy even more reliant on investment.


The challenge for Mr Xi is to make up for that lost time. China is entering an era of slower growth and Beijing wants a more sustainable economic model, driven by consumption and innovation.


One commonly heard view is that Beijing will not be able to push through economic reforms until a crisis comes along to undermine defenders of the status quo. But others believe the third plenum might be just the moment for the party to get ahead of the curve and introduce ambitious reforms.


This optimistic assessment has been fuelled by a reform proposal for the plenum from the Development Research Centre, a think-tank under the State Council, or cabinet. The DRC report reads almost like a wishlist from the International Monetary Fund. Its authors would have Beijing break up state-owned monopolies, give farmers the right to sell their land and allocate greater taxation power to cash-strapped local governments.

这种乐观评估得到一份提交三中全会的改革提议的推动,这份提议来自中国国务院旗下智库“发展研究中心”(Development Research Center)。该中心的报告看上去几乎像是国际货币基金组织(IMF)的愿望清单。其作者希望中国高层分拆国有垄断企业,让农民有权出售自己的土地,并让资金拮据的地方政府获得更大的征税权力。

Some believe the DRC proposal is indicative of Mr Xi’s intentions, and that it will be little short of a policy revolution. It is “probably the most ambitious top-down economic reform initiative in the history of the People’s Republic of China”, Dong Tao, an economist with Credit Suisse, wrote in a widely circulated note last week.

一些人相信,发展研究中心的报告代表习近平的意图,而它将是一场名副其实的政策革命。瑞信(Credit Suisse)经济学家陶冬在上周一份广泛传阅的简报中写道,这“很可能是中华人民共和国历史上最雄心勃勃的自上而下的经济改革举措”。

Beijing may not suffer from Washington-style gridlock, but it does have its conservative voices; the third plenum cannot simply sweep them aside. Reformers have for years been pushing for wider implementation of property taxes, abolition of the one-child policy and dismantling of the hukou household registry.


Conservatives have opposed those changes, fearful of the effect on the party’s power and the public purse. The result has been incremental change.


One area where there is relatively little resistance to reform is finance. Liberalising interest rates, for example, simply does not pose the same threat to state-owned enterprises as breaking them up.


For that reason the third plenum will probably conform to the policy pattern of the past two years, reinforcing the progress seen in financial deregulation but offering only vague promises on more sensitive topics such as privatising rural land.


This is not necessarily a bad thing. The fact that bold reform proposals are being floated so openly reflects the more progressive thinking on economic policy in Beijing.


The third plenum will not herald a revolution. But beneath the turgid official language, it will signal that the Chinese ship of state is slowly steering in the right direction.



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