






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2013-11-19 08:30| 查看数: 723| 评论数: 0|

China is willing to send rescue and medical teams to the Philippines to help it recover from Typhoon Haiyan, the Chinese foreign ministry has said.


Xinhua state news agency cited Hong Lei, foreign ministry spokesman, as saying China was prepared to send personnel. He said the Chinese Red Cross was also willing to deploy its Blue Sky Rescue Team to the relief operations.

官方的新华社(Xinhua)援引外交部发言人洪磊的话称,中国已做好向菲律宾派遣人员的准备。他表示中国红十字会也愿派遣其下属的“蓝天救援队”(Blue Sky Rescue Team)参与救援行动。

The news agency did not say whether the Philippines had requested – or agreed to accept – help from China. The two countries have been locked in a bitter dispute over contested maritime territory in the South China Sea.


“China has maintained communication with the Philippines on the issue of medical assistance, and Chinese rescuers will set off for the disaster-hit areas immediately once conditions permit,” Xinhua cited Mr Hong as saying.


China came under criticism last week after it offered only $100,000 in aid to the Philippines – equivalent to only 2 per cent of what South Korea pledged. But China later said it would send an additional Rmb10m ($1.6m) in provisions.


Several retired US admirals with China experience suggested that Haiyan provided a perfect opportunity for China to become more involved in international relief efforts.


Timothy Keating, a retired admiral who oversaw US forces in Asia as head of Pacific Command, urged China to send the “Peace Ark” hospital ship to the Philippines.

曾作为美国太平洋司令部(United States Pacific Command, USPACOM)司令统帅驻亚洲美军的退休海军上将蒂莫西•基廷(Timothy Keating)敦促中国派遣“和平方舟号”医院船赶赴菲律宾。

In an interview on Friday, Mark Montgomery, commander of the USS George Washington Strike Group, which is helping the relief effort, declined to comment on whether China should send the ship.

而在上周五接受采访时,正在参与救援行动的乔治•华盛顿号航空母舰战斗群(USS George Washington Strike Group)司令马克•蒙哥马利(Mark Montgomery)对中国是否应派遣“和平方舟号”的问题拒绝置评。


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