






发布者: sunnyHU | 发布时间: 2013-11-19 16:36| 查看数: 821| 评论数: 0|

Apple has thrown its weight behind Silicon Valley’s legal challenge to restrictions that the US government places on reporting its requests for customer information, publishing new data about thousands of such demands from authorities around the world.

苹果(Apple)昨日公布了数千项来自全球各地政府对其客户信息的索要请求。此举意味着它加入了硅谷(Silicon Valley)同行们发起的一项法律行动,共同挑战美国政府对科技企业公布这类索要请求所施加的限制。

The disclosures by the world’s most valuable technology company follow fresh revelations about the extent of the US National Security Agency’s internet surveillance, which Google last week called “outrageous”.


At the same time as filing an amicus brief to a First Amendment case filed by Google, Facebook, Yahoo and others earlier this year, Apple sought to distance its business model from internet firms which use customer data to sell advertising.


“Perhaps most important, our business does not depend on collecting personal data,” Apple said in Tuesday’s report. “We have no interest in amassing personal information about our customers.”


Apple is the first large US hardware manufacturer to reveal requests about customers’ individual devices but it has been slower than Google and others to provide details of how many internet user accounts it has handed over to authorities.


In Apple’s first full account of its interactions with law enforcement, it said it received 12,442 requests from 41 countries in the first half of 2013 for information about its devices, such as when, where or by whom an iPhone or iPad was first activated.


It complied with almost three quarters of those demands, including 3,110 in the US, 429 in China, 1,856 in Germany and 689 in the UK, the “vast majority” of which related to lost or stolen devices and “never” included national security-related requests, Apple said.


A further 1,719-2,719 requests were made globally for customer account information, such as credit cards, email addresses, photos and telephone numbers for services such as iTunes. 1,000-2,000 came from the US and 127 from the UK.


In a June letter to Apple’s head of privacy, the Federal Bureau of Investigation said the company could only provide this aggregated data in broad ranges of 1,000. Apple said it had joined a legal challenge by several leading US technology companies demanding permission to disclose more information.

在今年6月写给苹果隐私部门主管的一封信中,美国联邦调查局(Federal Bureau of Investigation)告知苹果,在公布数据时,它必须以整数形式(1000项请求为一个单位)公布合并数据。苹果表示,已与美国一些领先科技公司一道发起一项法律挑战,要求获准披露更多信息。


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