





泰国赦免法案引发不满 民众抗议规模扩大

发布者: sunnyHU | 发布时间: 2013-11-20 16:44| 查看数: 798| 评论数: 1|

A backlash broke out on the streets of Thailand's capital Monday over a bill that would absolve the country's leaders of crimes committed over nearly a decade of political turmoil.


Early Monday morning, thousands of protesters joined forces at an intersection near Bangkok's commercial center to protest the proposed amnesty for Thaksin Shinawatra, who was ousted as prime minister in a 2006 military coup that set off years of instability in Thailand. Mr. Thaksin, a 64-year-old telecom tycoon who ran Thailand for five years, has been living in self-imposed exile, evading imprisonment on a corruption conviction that he says was politically motivated.

周一清晨,成千上万名抗议者在曼谷商业中心附近的一个路口汇合,对拟议中的赦免他信(Thaksin Shinawatra)的法案表示抗议。2006年,时任总理的他信在一次军事政变中被驱逐,泰国由此陷入长达数年的动荡。现年64岁的他信是一名电信业大亨,曾执掌泰国五年,后来为躲避腐败指控可能带来的牢狱之灾而自我放逐。他信说,这些指控的背后有政治图谋。

Supporters of the opposition Democrat Party marched across the city and set up a camp at Democracy Monument in the city's historic quarter in a bid to draw on popular sentiment against the amnesty proposals, which would also clear other political figures-including Mr. Thaksin's rivals-accused of crimes in the upheaval surrounding the 2006 coup.


The amnesty plan was passed by the pro-Thaksin Puea Thai Party in an unusual 4:30 a.m. vote in the lower house of Parliament last week. The bill's chances of passing the Senate, however, aren't guaranteed.

上周,亲他信的泰党(Puea Thai party)通过了赦免法案,该法案不同寻常地于凌晨4:30在下议院获得通过。不过,该法案并不一定能在参议院获得通过。

In the bustling Silom district, several hundred office workers and businesspeople streamed out of their office buildings as lunchtime approached, many lining up to sign a petition opposing the bill. Others blew whistles in a symbolic attempt to call time on the amnesty as the crowd steadily swelled.


Stock prices fell sharply Monday, with the Stock Exchange of Thailand Index dropping 2.9%.

周一股市大幅下跌,泰国证交指数(Stock Exchange of Thailand Index)下跌2.9%。

The bill is even drawing detractors from some of Mr. Thaksin's supporters in the grass-roots 'Red Shirt' movement. Several members abstained fromlast week's vote in protest of the blanket amnesty proposal that would also cover their political rivals: former Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva and his former deputy, Suthep Thaugsuban. Those two politicians are now facing murder charges in connection with the military's crackdown on pro-Thaksin demonstrations in 2010, in which more than 90 people were killed.

该法案甚至引发了支持他信的草根群体“红衫军”中一些人士的批评。一些人没有参加上周的投票,目的是为了抗议这一普适性赦免提议。按照提议,这些人士的政治对手们也将被赦免,其中包括前总理阿披实(Abhisit Vejjajiva)和前副总理素贴(Suthep Thaugsuban)。这两人正因军事镇压2010年亲他信示威而面临谋杀指控。在这次镇压中,有90多人被杀。

Messrs. Abhisit and Suthep have rejected the amnesty, saying they prefer to clear their names in court, and some of their adversaries in the Red Shirt camp are eager to help. They are leading their own rallies to ensure that Messrs. Abhisit and Suthep are put on trial.


'The amnesty issue seems to be bringing people from all sides of the political divide together, even if they are doing it for different reasons,' said Pavin Chachavalpongpun at Kyoto University's Center for Southeast Asian Studies.

京都大学(Kyoto University)东南亚研究中心的巴温(Pavin Chachavalpongpun)说,赦免这个问题似乎把所有政治对立的人士都团结在了一起,虽然他们这么做的原因各不相同。

Mr. Abhisit was indicted last week, not long after advocates of the bill amended it to include a provision that would extend immunity to political leaders. Earlier drafts of the bill limited amnesty to ordinary protesters rather than the leaders of either side.


Some critics of the blanket amnesty said the murder charges are a ploy to build support among opposition members in the House, though the attorney general's office denied any political motives, saying the indictment was a result of investigations that began last year.


The conflict over the proposed amnesty shows how far Thailand has to go in reconciling Mr. Thaksin's populism with a more conservative, technocratic style of government encouraged by Thailand's armed forces and royalist bureaucrats.


Some analysts say that by pushing an amnesty bill so aggressively, Mr. Thaksin and his backers might have lost the upper hand.


The amnesty bill isn't a done deal. It has to be passed by Thailand's Senate, or else it would be subject to legislative delays, and must also be endorsed by King Bhumibol Adulyadej. Already, 70 of the 150 senators have said they oppose the amnesty plan.

赦免法案还没有定论。它还需要泰国参议院的通过,否则在立法上就会延迟,而且还要得到泰王普密蓬(Bhumibol Adulyadej)的背书。目前,150名参议员中已有70人表示反对赦免法案。


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