





世界上最令人郁闷的10种工作10 most depression jobs

发布者: wendy1502 | 发布时间: 2013-12-5 20:20| 查看数: 906| 评论数: 1|

10 most depression jobs


Some jobs are more depression-prone than others. Here are 10 fields (out of 21 major job categories) in which full-time workers are most likely to report an episode of major depression in a given year. But if you want to be a nurse (No. 4), it doesn’t mean you should pick another profession.


“There are certain aspects of any job that can contribute to or exacerbate depression, ” says Deborah Legge, PhD, a licensed mental health counselor in Buffalo. "Folks with the high-stress jobs have a greater chance of managing it if they take care of themselves and get the help they need.”

纽约州挂牌的精神健康顾问迪波拉莱格博士(Deborah Legge)说:“任何工作都可能引起,或者加重抑郁。从事高压力工作的人,如果学会善待自己,并在需要的时候向专业人士寻求帮助,还是很有希望控制好压力的。”

Personal-care providers top the list, with nearly 11% of people in this field reporting a bout of major depression. (The rate is 13% in the unemployed; 7% in the general population.) "It is stressful, seeing people sick and not getting a lot of positive reinforcement."

保姆/护工的压力排名第一。将近11%的保姆有过一次严重抑郁的经历。(该比率在失业者中是13%,在普通人群中的是7%。) “这份工作的压力真的非常大,整天照看病人,又始终得不到正面的反馈支持。”有护工这样说。

A typical day can include feeding, bathing, and caring for others who are "often incapable of expressing gratitude or appreciation…because they are too ill or too young or they just aren’t in the habit of it, " says Christopher Willard, clinical psychologist at Tufts University and author of Child’s Mind.

塔夫斯大学的临床精神科专家和儿童心理学的作者克里斯托佛威尔德(Christopher Willard)说,保姆或护工每天的工作就是给那些没有办法表达感激的人喂食、洗澡和提供照顾,而那些被照顾的人要么病得太重、要么年纪太小,要么根本不习惯表达感谢。

Ranking just below professional-care workers are the people who are serving the food at your favorite local digs. Wait staff often get low pay and can have exhausting jobs with numerous people telling them what to do each day. While 10% of workers in general reported an episode of major depression in the past year, almost 15% of women in this field did so.

排在保姆/护工之后的是饭馆服务员。这些人通常工资很低又工作辛苦,每天都有数不清的人告诉他们应该做什么。 有10%的工作者在过去一年经历过严重抑郁,而有15%的餐厅女服务员也是这样。

"This is often a very thankless job, " Legge says. "eople can be really rude and there is a lot of physical exertion. When people are depressed, it is hard to have energy and motivation—when you have to be on, it is difficult."


It’s probably not a huge surprise to find social workers near the top of this list. Dealing with abused children or families on the brink of every imaginable crisis—combined with bureaucratic red tape—can make for a demanding, stressful job that’s often 24-7.


"There can be a culture that says that to do a good job, you have to work really hard and often make sacrifices, " Willard says.


"Because social workers work with people who are so needy, it can be hard to not sacrifice too much to the job. I see that happen a lot with social workers and other caring professions, and they get really burned out pretty quickly."


This includes doctors, nurses, therapists, and other professions that attract people who might end up giving a lot without saving a little for themselves. Health-care workers can have long, irregular hours and days in which other people’s lives are literally in their hands. In other words, the stress can be off the charts.

医护工作者包括医生、护士、治疗师和其他类似的专业人员,这份职业看起来似乎挺吸引人,其实他们很可能付出了很多,但到头来什么也没得到。医护工作者不但工作时间超长、没有规律,而且总是处在生死攸关的关头。 换而言之,压力大得无以言表。

"Every day they are seeing sickness, trauma, and death and dealing with family members of patients, " Willard says. "It can shade one’s outlook on the whole that the world is a sadder place."


These jobs can bring irregular paychecks, uncertain hours, and isolation.


Creative people may also have higher rates of mood disorders; about 9% reported an episode of major depression in the previous year. In men, it’s the job category most likely to be associated with an episode of major depression (nearly 7% in full-time workers).

艺术家通常患精神失常的危险性更大,有约9%的人在过去一年内经历了重度抑郁,特别是此类工作中的男性,患重度抑郁的比率最高(全职工作的男性中有接近 7%患重度抑郁)。

"One thing I see a lot in entertainers and artists is bipolar illness, " says Legge. "There could be undiagnosed or untreated mood disorders in people who are artistic…. Depression is not uncommon to those who are drawn to work in the arts, and then the lifestyle contributes to it."


The demands on teachers seem to be constantly growing. Many work after school and then take work home. In many areas, they learn to do a lot with a little.

社会对教师的要求似乎在不断增加。许多老师课后还有大量的工作,甚至需要把工作带回家。 在很多方面,他们都得学会利用有限的资源开展十分繁重的工作。

"There are pressures from many different audiences—the kids, their parents, and the schools trying to meet standards, all (of which) have different demands, " Willard says. "This can make it difficult for teachers to do their thing and remember the reason they got started in the field."


depress [di'pres] video vt. 压低;使沮丧;使萧条

episode ['episəud] video n. 插曲;一段情节;插话;有趣的事件

staff [stɑ:f, stæf] video n. 职员;参谋;棒;支撑adj. 职员的;行政工作的vt. 供给人员;给…配备职员vi. 雇用工作人员

clinical ['klinikəl] video adj. 临床的;诊所的

therapist ['θerəpist] video n. 临床医学家;治疗学家

bout [baut] video n. 回合;较量;发作;一阵

diagnose ['daiəɡnəuz, ,daiəɡ'nəuz] video vt. 诊断;断定vi. 诊断;判断

depression [di'preʃən] video n. 沮丧;洼地;不景气;忧愁

psychologist [psai'kɔlədʒist] video n. 心理学家,心理学者

disorder [dis'ɔ:də] video n. 混乱;骚乱vt. 使失调;扰乱


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