






发布者: 钢之炼金术师 | 发布时间: 2013-12-17 21:38| 查看数: 880| 评论数: 0|


The luxury aircraft Air Force One hosted a political reunion on Monday, as the two Presidents and three first ladies - Laura Bush, Michelle Obama and Hillary Clinton - were on board to fly to South Africa for Nelson Mandela's memorial service.A series of intimate behind-the-scenes photos aboard Air Force One have revealed the moment George W. Bush sharing a joke with the president and casually chatting ahead of dinner.


Because of limited space on board, the Obamas retired to the President's office and regular cabin at the front of the plane while former Secretary of State Clinton was given free reign of the senior staff's cabin. Bush and his wife Laura were given the medical suite.


The former president has been perfecting his painting skills since leaving office, famously producing colorful images of horses, dogs and still life scenes after taking lessons from a local artist.And during the long flight to South Africa, he took the opportunity to show the country's leading ladies his latest work on his iPad.


In a more serious photograph, the president is pictured editing his speech for the memorial with Deputy National Security Advisor Ben Rhodes.Ahead of the journey, White House spokesman Jay Carney said the Obamas were looking forward to the political reunion. "It's a very, I think, enjoyable experience certainly for the president and first lady," he said. "And they're both grateful to be able to have former president and first lady, former secretary of state on board."



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