






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2013-12-18 20:11| 查看数: 775| 评论数: 0|


6. Tyler Hicks. Nairobi, Kenya. Sept. 21, 2013.


It was clear that something catastrophic was developing when I arrived at Nairobi’s upscale Westgate Mall. Gunfire had been reported, and I witnessed hundreds of victims streaming out of the building, many of them shot and bloodied. I realized this was the attack people had warned about since I moved here two years ago. Al Shabab militants were waging a violent attack on a crowded target frequented by foreigners.

我到达内罗毕豪华的西门购物中心时,明显感觉到出事了。新闻已经报道了枪击案,我看到成百上千的受害者涌出大楼,很多人中弹,血流不止。我记起两年前刚来这儿时人们就已警告会有袭击。阿尔沙巴布(Al Shabab)分子对这家外国游客络绎不绝的商场发起猛烈袭击。

After photographing the panic outside, I turned my focus to finding an approach into the mall, where I found a small number of disorganized Kenyan police and army, mixed with terrified masses trying to escape the attackers. From an upper floor I moved to the balcony of the atrium to glimpse the bloodshed below. Bodies of victims lay lifeless where they fell, and among them a terrified woman remained stranded with two children in a café. They remained there, petrified, with quiet, everyday music continuing to play over the mall’s sound system. I took some photographs and then retreated from the exposed position. The woman and children were later rescued unharmed.



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