






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2014-1-1 16:57| 查看数: 1001| 评论数: 0|

Cooper Tire, the US tyremaker, has abandoned a planned $2.5bn takeover by India’s Apollo Tyres, after the deal became mired in legal disputes and cross-border misunderstandings.

The announcement ends what would have been the biggest takeover of a US company by an Indian company – an all-cash offer that ran into serious problems almost as soon as it was announced in June.

Workers at Cooper’s Chinese joint venture partner, Chengshan Group, reacted to the takeover announcement in July by seizing control of Cooper Chengshan Tire, which provides nearly 25 per cent of Cooper’s revenue. The deal also led to a dispute with the United Steelworkers union in the US. The union won an arbitration ruling giving it, in effect, a veto over the takeover until its concerns over jobs and pensions were addressed.

These problems led Apollo to try to renegotiate the value of the deal, while Cooper accused the Indian tyremaker of procrastinating until the takeover offer was due to expire today.

“It is time to move our business forward,” said Roy Armes, Cooper’s chief executive. “While the strategic rationale for a business combination with Apollo is compelling, it is clear that the merger agreement both companies signed on June 12 will not be consummated by Apollo.”

The Indian company said it was “disappointed” that Cooper had “prematurely attempted” to terminate the merger agreement. “Apollo has made exhaustive efforts to find a sensible way forward over the last several months,” the company said.

Mr Armes said that addressing the problems in China would be the company’s “top priority in the near term”.

“The issues at CCT were driven by the merger agreement and, with the agreement now terminated, Cooper is working independently to restore normal operations at CCT,” he said.

Cooper’s shares, already below the $35-a-share offer price, slid 2.8 per cent in early trading yesterday to $22.31.

Workers at Chengshan Group, whose chairman, Che Hongzhi, opposed the takeover, seized control of the joint venture’s premises in Rongcheng in July. Since then, Cooper has not been able to obtain financial information about the factory’s operations. The events have prevented Cooper from producing its third-quarter financial results for this year. Cooper hoped to obtain the information necessary to resume regular financial reporting, Mr Armes said.

Brad Hughes, Cooper’s chief financial officer, said Cooper believed it would not be liable to pay the $50m termination fee it was due to pay if it broke off the merger agreement. It would continue to pursue Apollo for the $112.5m termination fee it was due to pay if it called off the deal and “other possible damages”.

The two companies devoted four days in court in Delaware in November to argue about the events that held up the deal’s completion. Apollo won the initial case – in which Cooper had accused it of deliberately delaying completion because of “buyer’s remorse” – and an appeal heard this month.

美国轮胎制造商固铂轮胎(Cooper Tire)放弃了由印度阿波罗轮胎公司(Apollo Tyres)以25亿美元并购的计划,此前这笔交易深陷法律纠纷和跨境误解的泥潭。


固铂轮胎中国合资伙伴——成山集团(Chengshan Group)的工人们对并购消息做出反应,于7月控制了固铂成山轮胎公司(Cooper Chengshan Tire,简称固铂成山)。该合资公司占固铂轮胎总营收的近25%。该交易还与美国钢铁工人联合会(United Steelworkers Union)闹出纠纷。这家工会赢得一起仲裁,使其事实上得到否决这笔收购的权利——直到其有关就业和养老金的担忧得到解决。


“现在应该带领我们的企业继续前进了,”固铂轮胎首席执行官罗伊?阿姆斯(Roy Armes)表示,“尽管与阿波罗整合业务的战略逻辑是强大的,但很明显,阿波罗方面不会执行两家公司在6月12日签署的并购协议。”






固铂轮胎的首席财务官布拉德?休斯(Brad Hughes)表示,固铂方面相信,其不需要支付在撕毁并购协议的情况下应当支付的5000万美元分手费。同时该公司将要求阿波罗方面支付1.125亿美元分手费以及“其它可能的损害赔偿金”。



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