






发布者: 钢之炼金术师 | 发布时间: 2014-1-1 21:13| 查看数: 721| 评论数: 0|


NAHA, Japan--U.S. and Japanese officials are putting a new focus on Okinawa, the hub of the American military presence in East Asia, pressuring reluctant local residents to approve by year's a long-stalled plan to move a base for U.S. Marines.


It is a risky tactic for Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, as he tries to tighten the security alliance with the U.S. to counter Beijing's growing assertiveness in the waters around Japan's southern island. Even as national support grows for U.S. troops, grass-roots resentment on Okinawa toward the foreign military presence has strengthened in recent years.

这对日本首相安倍晋三(Shinzo Abe)来说是一项具有风险性的策略。安倍晋三正试图增进与美国的军事安全同盟以对抗中国在冲绳周边海域咄咄逼人的姿态。虽然从全国范围看,日本对美军的支持度上升,但最近几年冲绳民众对美国在当地派驻军队的不满加剧。

Local politicians now routinely call Tokyo's policy of keeping a majority of U.S. bases on their overcrowded island 'discrimination' against the Okinawans, who have a unique cultural heritage, and have ramped up calls to reduce the American footprint. They predict an outburst of protests if the government ignores the opposition.


'People from the mainland arrogantly tell us to think about the broad national security, but we are the ones who must live with the risks,' said Takeshi Onaga, mayor of Naha, the prefectural seat, who is widely seen as the front-runner in a gubernatorial race scheduled for November 2014. 'When we fear war could break out any time, our honest feeling is 'Please don't aggravate China too much.''

冲绳县首府那霸市市长翁长雄志(Takeshi Onaga)称,日本其他地区的人傲慢地要求冲绳考虑国家安全的大局,但必须面对风险的是冲绳人;他们担心战争可能随时爆发,心里真实的想法是不要过度刺激中国。翁长雄志被普遍认为将在2014年11月份的冲绳县知事选举中获胜。

Tensions between Tokyo and Okinawa have escalated over the past few months since Mr. Abe started applying intense pressure on officials to accept a long-standing plan to build a new runway for the U.S. Marine Corps.


The plan--which has stalled for 17 years due to local opposition--calls for closing an unpopular base called Futenma in densely populated central Okinawa and building a replacement facility in a coastal area in the island's rural north. Opponents want Futenma shut without any replacement on their island.


The face-off is coming to a head as the governor faces a self-imposed year-end deadline on whether he should grant a landfill permit, a prerequisite for the construction itself. The seemingly minor bureaucratic decision has taken on significance as the key step needed to move forward with the new base.

目前这一僵局即将迎来关键时刻,因为冲绳县知事仲井真弘多(Hirokazu Nakaima)此前给出的是否批准美军新基地选址地区填埋的最后期限是在年底,而这个期限即将到来。获得这项批准是新基地建造的先决条件。

Permit approval would be the first advance for the plan since 2006, and would demonstrate Mr. Abe's ability to break a logjam that has foiled numerous predecessors. Failure to win the permit would be an embarrassment for the prime minister and a setback for his campaign to bolster the U.S.-Japan alliance, showing the base issue as intractable even for Japan's most powerful and popular leader in years.


Hirokazu Nakaima, Okinawa's governor who belongs to Mr. Abe's conservative ruling party, has in the past said he opposed construction of a new base on Okinawa to replace Futenma, as community sentiment deteriorated due to crimes involving U.S. soldiers and the introduction of the Ospreys, a tilt-rotor aircraft criticized in Okinawa as noisy.


The 74-year-old governor has hinted at more flexibility as he enters the last year of his term in office, with expectations that he won't seek re-election. Some close Nakaima aides point to the merit of accepting the U.S. base plan in some form.


'We remain stuck if we just keep saying no,' Susumu Matayoshi, head of the governor's office, said in an interview last week. 'We have to acknowledge Tokyo has the power of the state and we are subject to the hierarchy of power.' Mr. Matayoshi said he didn't know how the governor would decide.

冲绳县知事办公室主任又吉进(Susumu Matayoshi)上周接受采访时说:如果我们坚持说不,事情就无法解决;我们必须承认政府代表的国家权威,接受权力等级的制约。又吉进说,他不知道知事会作何决定。

Mr. Abe is fighting an all-out battle to gain Okinawa's support. In an annual national budget likely to show a 2%-3% increase in overall spending, Tokyo on Tuesday approved $3.4 billion for Okinawa's economic development, up 14% from a year ago, to fund expensive infrastructure projects, such as the construction of a new runway at Naha's main airport, and the expansion of a graduate school of science and technology in a rural town near the planned location for the new base.


Making his final effort to persuade the governor, Mr. Abe on Wednesday offered additional steps to reduce the military footprint in Okinawa, such as setting up task forces to study shifting some training operations elsewhere and giving back some of the U.S. bases to the local community earlier than under previous plans. After meeting the prime minister, Mr. Nakaima described his proposal as 'surprisingly generous,' an expression some interpreted to mean he will grant the landfill permit.


Also on Wednesday, the U.S. and Japan agreed to negotiate a new framework to address environmental concerns related to U.S. military activities at bases across Japan. 'This is yet another step we are taking together in order to update and modernize our alliance,' U.S. Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel said in a statement.

美国和日本周三还同意商讨一个新的框架,以应对美国驻军引发的环境问题。美国国防部长哈格尔(Chuck Hagel)在声明中称,这是加强美日同盟并使这一同盟现代化的又一举措。

The main island of Okinawa, with an area one-third of Rhode Island's and home to 1.3 million people, hosts 34 U.S. military facilities, accounting for three-quarters of the area of all U.S. bases in Japan. Some 28,000 member members of the U.S. military are stationed in Okinawa, roughly 70% of those assigned to Japan, according to data from Okinawa prefecture.


The U.S. has long considered Okinawa strategically important, having used it as a staging base during the Vietnam War. Its significance has grown further as China flexes its military muscle. Progress on Futenma is essential also because it is tied to a broader U.S. plan to reorganize its troops in the Asia-Pacific as part of its efforts to pivot to Asia.


Polls show a majority of people in Okinawa oppose the new base, but promises of generous subsidies and expensive construction contracts appear to have helped lift support. Base supporters also cite China's recent saber-rattling.


'We have a neighbor that has an eye on the Senkaku Islands and Okinawa,' said Shohei Nakachi, a local business leader who heads a citizens' group pushing for the new base, referring to the group of islands that China calls Diaoyu in the Okinawa prefecture at the heart of the Japan-China dispute. 'The Marines are our deterrence. It's extremely dangerous to make them leave in an environment like this.'

支持建设新基地的公民组织负责人、当地商界领袖Shohei Nakachi表示:我们的一个邻国正在觊觎尖阁诸岛(Senkaku Islands, 中国称钓鱼岛)和冲绳;海军陆战队是我们的威慑力量,在当前形势下让他们离开是极其危险的。尖阁诸岛位于冲绳县的一组岛屿,是中日争端的核心。

Mr. Nakachi's group recently gathered signatures from 80,000 people for a petition to move forward on the new base, a large number that even surprised its organizers, and a rare show of mass support for the bases.


Still, many worry that the Futenma relocation saga will continue for many years even if the governor grants a landfill permit. The city designated as the host of the new base has a mayoral election scheduled for Jan. 19. A compromise from the governor could fuel support for the antibase incumbent whom Mr. Abe's government is trying to defeat. Antibase activists pledge they will block the project by putting up barricades and sending in fishing boats to interfere with construction work. Such protests may force Tokyo to dispatch riot police or the coast guard, a politically delicate act in Japan's pacifist culture.


'We've tried with various democratic steps. If that can't stop this, we'll have no choice but to resort to force,' said Satoru Oshiro, a top official of Okinawa's largest antibase group with some 20,000 members. 'We won't hesitate to fight even if we risk getting arrested.'

Satoru Oshiro是冲绳县反抗美军基地的最大组织的高层负责人,该组织拥有大约2万名成员。他说:我们尝试了各种各样的民主途径,如果阻止不了,我们别无选择,只有诉诸武力;即使冒着被逮捕的危险,我们也会义无返顾地去战斗。


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