






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2014-1-6 15:19| 查看数: 1003| 评论数: 2|

Wal-Mart Stores Inc. is recalling donkey meat sold at some of its China stores after government tests showed the meat contained the DNA of other animals.

沃尔玛连锁公司(Wal-Mart Stores Inc.)正在召回一些中国商店内售出的驴肉,此前中国政府相关部门在这种驴肉中检出了其他动物的DNA。

The Bentonville, Ark.-based retailer will provide 50 yuan, or roughly $8.25, compensation to customers who bought the 'Five Spice' donkey meat, and it is boosting its own DNA testing for meat products sold in its China stores, a company spokeswoman said Thursday. Authorities in China's eastern Shandong province announced in late December that the retailer's product contained fox meat.


The Wal-Mart spokeswoman said the donkey meat--which is commonly consumed in Chinese cuisine--is sold in only two stores in Jinan, the capital of Shandong. Wal-Mart is working with authorities to investigate the product and its manufacturing process, the spokeswoman said, adding that the retailer may take legal action against its supplier.


Wal-Mart has come under fire in the past for food safety in China. Last year officials in the southern city of Nanning accused it of using expired eggs in baked goods. A Wal-Mart spokeswoman said that the issue was resolved, without elaborating. The company also is working with government officials in China to ensure food manufacturers also monitor product safety, she added, as that oversight currently falls predominantly on the retailer.


Wal-Mart has heightened its food-safety practices in China since a 2011 scandal in which officials in the southwestern city of Chongqing accused it of mislabeling regular pork as more-expensive organic meat. The incident led to the temporary closure of 13 stores, the arrest of two employees, the detention of 35 others and a fine of 3.65 million yuan ($575,000).


Since then, Wal-Mart has overhauled management at its stores in Chongqing and implemented a new food-safety compliance system across the nation.


The retailer also announced last year that it would invest 100 million yuan over three years to strengthen food-safety management in its China stores.


Consumer trust in the Chinese food industry remains shaky even years after six babies died and 300,000 others were poisoned by drinking milk tainted with the industrial chemical melamine in 2008. The chemical was used to mimic the properties of protein in milk and enable producers to make higher profits by passing off more liquid as milk.


Globally, consumers have been fearful of the quality of meat products after a scandal last year revealed many products labeled as beef contained horse meat.


China is an important growth market for Wal-Mart. The retailer is China's No. 3 hypermarket/megamarket retailer by market share, according to the most recent data from market-research firm Euromonitor International.

中国是沃尔玛一个重要的增长市场。根据市场研究公司Euromonitor International的最新数据,按市场份额计,沃尔玛是中国排名第三的大型超市运营商。


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