






发布者: betty9011 | 发布时间: 2014-1-18 13:37| 查看数: 846| 评论数: 0|

Nestlé, the world’s biggest food company, has admitted to making a strategic error in India by ignoring more affluent consumers and pursuing buyers of cheaper sweets and noodles.


“We made a mistake,” said Nandu Nandkishore, who heads Nestlé’s Asia business. “We basically focused on driving the mass market and we really ignored a little bit the emerging affluent segment.”

雀巢亚洲业务主管南都•南基绍尔(Nandu Nandkishore)表示:“我们犯了一个错误。我们基本上将精力集中于发展大众市场上,对正在兴起的富有人群确实有所忽略。”

Like other consumer goods companies, the maker of KitKat chocolate bars and Maggi noodles has been increasing its focus on emerging markets, which now account for 43 per cent of its $98.2bn global sales.


But, like some of its peers, Nestlé is having to redraw its strategy in the face of depreciating local currencies, slower economic growth, higher input costs and rising domestic competition.


These factors have proved especially punishing for makers of cheaper, mass-market goods – as L'Oréal has already discovered. Last week, the French cosmetics group halted sales of its mass-market Garnier brand in China.


Nestlé’s sales in India had been growing at about 20 per cent a year in the three years to 2011, but this growth decelerated sharply – to 8 per cent – in the third quarter of last year.


In an interview with the Financial Times, Mr Nandkishore said that at the peak of its sales growth in India, Nestlé focused primarily on making its more mass-market products available to large numbers of new, cost-sensitive consumers, largely in the countryside – even though demand for premium products at the upper end of the market was also exploding. “We have realised this already,” he said. “We’ve been working to plug that gap.”


The Swiss manufacturer is now switching tack in India to cater to more affluent Indians, whose household budgets are more immune to the country’s rising inflation and faltering economy.



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