






发布者: betty9011 | 发布时间: 2014-1-18 14:20| 查看数: 1281| 评论数: 0|

Cargill, the US-based agriculture trading giant, has doled out $200m for a stake in Ukraine’s largest agribusiness holding UkrLandFarming, in a potentially far-reaching deal that sources said would see both groups partner up in future grain exports to China and other growing markets.


The deal, for 5 per cent of UkrLandFarming, boosts Cargill’s strong trading presence in one of the world’s most promising agriculture commodity producers. It comes amid reports that China was rejecting imports of genetically modified US corn as it stepped up organic purchases from Ukraine.

UkrLandFarming是全球最具前景的农业大宗商品生产商之一。嘉吉将通过该交易获得UkrLandFarming 5%的股份,强化自身在这家企业中的强大贸易影响力。与此同时有消息称,中国将拒绝进口美国的转基因玉米,加大对乌克兰有机产品的购买。

The transaction puts a value of $4bn on UkrLandFarming, the world’s eighth-largest land cultivator and second-biggest egg producer through its 77 per cent ownership in London-listed Avangardco. The conglomerate was founded and built up in recent years through acquisitions by Oleg Bakhmatyuk, a Ukrainian billionaire.

按照该交易的出价,UkrLandFarming的整体估值为40亿美元。这家由乌克兰亿万富翁奥列格•巴赫马秋克(Oleg Bakhmatyuk)创建、并在近年来通过一系列收购发展壮大起来的农业综合企业,眼下已是世界第8大种植商;此外,通过持有伦敦上市企业Avangardco 77%的股份,UkrLandFarming还是世界第2大鸡蛋生产商。

“The transaction will help Cargill secure long-term supplies from one of Ukraine’s largest farmers, and gives UkrLandFarming a very strong strategic partner that will help them achieve their goals of broadening exports, especially in Asia,” said Nick Piazza, chief executive of SP Advisors investment bank.

投行SP Advisors的首席执行官尼克•皮亚扎(Nick Piazza)表示:“该交易将确保嘉吉能从乌克兰最大的农企那里获得长期供应,并让UkrLandFarming拥有一个非常强大的战略合作伙伴,帮助他们实现扩大出口的目标,尤其是对亚洲的出口。”

Ukraine, which harvested a record corn harvest last year of 29m tonnes, hopes to boost exports this season by some 35 per cent to 18m tonnes, catapulting the eastern European country to the ranks of the world’s top corn exporters. It vies with Argentina for the title of the world’s third-largest corn exporting country.


Ukraine made its first corn shipment to China late last year, as part of a $3bn loan-for-corn deal brokered by state companies in both countries.


Mr Bakhmatyuk said that UkrLandFarming hoped to sell up to 700,000 tonnes of corn to China this season, boosting total annual exports within five years to reach 6m tonnes with one-third destined for Asia.


The deal comes amid Ukraine’s deepest political crisis in a decade. Home to some of the world’s richest farming land, it earned the title “Breadbasket of Europe” centuries ago for its ability to feed growing populations.


Cargill opened a Ukrainian operations base in 1991. In recent years it has acquired or built grain silos, sunflower seed processing capacity and an animal feed mill in the country.


Rival traders, including New York-listed Bunge and Archer Daniels Midland and Swiss-based Glencore, also have businesses in Ukraine.

嘉吉的竞争对手也在乌克兰开展业务,比如纽约上市企业邦吉(Bunge)和ADM公司(Archer Daniels Midland)、以及总部位于瑞士的嘉能可(Glencore)。

A Cargill spokesperson said: “At any given point in time Cargill is investigating a number of business opportunities. We do not comment on rumours or speculation and would only comment as and when these opportunities come to fruition.”



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